使用 [(ngModel)] 与 ngFor 的 2 种方式数据绑定,数组不会更新行的值

Using [(ngModel)] 2 way data binding with ngFor , array doesn't update the values of the rows


这是 html 代码:

<table class="table table-hover table-bordered table-striped table-highlight">
      <th *ngFor="let cell of tableData2.headerRow">{{ cell }}</th>
    <tr *ngFor="let row of tableData2.dataRows">
      <td *ngFor="let cell of row">
        <input type="text" class="form-control border-input" [(ngModel)]="cell" name="cell" />


declare interface TableData {
  headerRow: string[];
  dataRows: string[][];
public tableData2: TableData;
this.tableData2 = {
  headerRow: ['Version', 'Approbateur(nom+fonction)', 'Principales remarques', 'Date d\'approbation'],
  dataRows: [
    ['ahmed', '', '', ''],
    ['', '', '', ''],
    ['', '', '', ''],
    ['', '', '', ''],
    ['', '', '', ''],
    ['', '', '', ''],
    ['', '', '', ''],

您可能已经注意到,双向数据绑定在 "one direction" 中有效,确实会显示值 "ahmed"。
但是,当我像这样更改 table 中的输入值时:
然后我控制台记录 tableData2 变量:
您可能会注意到,新值 SAM 不会在 tabledata 变量中更新。即,双向数据绑定不起作用,我无法从 table.
检索值 我做错了什么?

2-way binding doesn't work on array value, it needs some object to update

所以第一个变化let i = index;[(ngModel)]="row[i]"

<td *ngFor="let cell of row; 
        let i = index;
        trackBy: customTrackBy
    <input type="text" class="form-control border-input" [(ngModel)]="row[i]" name="cell" />


// Your list will be reloaded again by ngFor when you change one field value, 
// and it will lose the focus. 
// You can add a trackBy to determine if the list must or must not be reloaded. The code below seems to solve the issue:

customTrackBy(index: number, obj: any): any {
    return index;

