broken edges union-find Algorithm
There's an undirected connected graph with n nodes labeled 1..n. But
some of the edges has been broken disconnecting the graph. Find the
minimum cost to repair the edges so that all the nodes are once again
accessible from each other.
n, an int representing the total number of nodes.
edges, a list of
integer pair representing the nodes connected by an edge.
edgesToRepair, a list where each element is a triplet representing the
pair of nodes between which an edge is currently broken and the cost
of repearing that edge, respectively
(e.g. [1, 2, 12] means to repear
an edge between nodes 1 and 2, the cost would be 12).
Example 1:
Input: n = 5, edges = [[1, 2], [2, 3], [3, 4], [4, 5], [1, 5]],
edgesToRepair = [[1, 2, 12], [3, 4, 30], [1, 5, 8]]
Output: 20
There are 3 connected components due to broken edges:
[1], [2, 3] and [4, 5]. We can connect these components into a single
component by repearing the edges between nodes 1 and 2, and nodes 1
and 5 at a minimum cost 12 + 8 = 20.
public int minCostRepairEdges(int N, int[][] edges, int[][] edgesToRepair){
int[] unionFind = new int[N+1];
int totalEdges=0;
for(int[] edge : edges){
int ua = edge[0]; //node1
int ub = edge[1]; //node2
unionFind[ua] = ub;
//change unionFind for some broken edge
for(int[] broken : edgesToRepair){
int ua = Find(unionFind, broken[0]);
int ub = Find(unionFind, broken[1]);
if(ua == ub){
unionFind[ua] = 0;
Arrays.sort(edgesToRepair, (a,b)->(a[2]-b[2]));
int cost=0;
for(int[] i : edgesToRepair){
int ua = Find(unionFind, i[0]);
int ub = Find(unionFind, i[1]);
if(ua != ub){
unionFind[ua] = ub;
cost += i[2];
return edgesToRepair==N-1 ? cost : -1;
public int find(int[] uf, int find){
if(uf[find]==0) return find;
uf[find] = find(uf, uf[find]);
return uf[find];
首先将所有边(给定 edges[][])添加到 UnionFind,然后根据给定的 edgesToRepair 信息更新它。 (如果边缘被破坏然后将在 union -find 中更新它)
首先,当 unionFind 坏了时,我无法更新它。
您应该使用 Kruskal 算法找到由现有边和损坏(修复)边组成的最小成本生成树:
只需考虑现有边缘的成本为 0,而损坏的边缘有其修复成本。
There's an undirected connected graph with n nodes labeled 1..n. But some of the edges has been broken disconnecting the graph. Find the minimum cost to repair the edges so that all the nodes are once again accessible from each other.
n, an int representing the total number of nodes.
edges, a list of integer pair representing the nodes connected by an edge.
edgesToRepair, a list where each element is a triplet representing the pair of nodes between which an edge is currently broken and the cost of repearing that edge, respectively
(e.g. [1, 2, 12] means to repear an edge between nodes 1 and 2, the cost would be 12).Example 1:
Input: n = 5, edges = [[1, 2], [2, 3], [3, 4], [4, 5], [1, 5]],
edgesToRepair = [[1, 2, 12], [3, 4, 30], [1, 5, 8]]Output: 20
There are 3 connected components due to broken edges: [1], [2, 3] and [4, 5]. We can connect these components into a single component by repearing the edges between nodes 1 and 2, and nodes 1 and 5 at a minimum cost 12 + 8 = 20.
public int minCostRepairEdges(int N, int[][] edges, int[][] edgesToRepair){
int[] unionFind = new int[N+1];
int totalEdges=0;
for(int[] edge : edges){
int ua = edge[0]; //node1
int ub = edge[1]; //node2
unionFind[ua] = ub;
//change unionFind for some broken edge
for(int[] broken : edgesToRepair){
int ua = Find(unionFind, broken[0]);
int ub = Find(unionFind, broken[1]);
if(ua == ub){
unionFind[ua] = 0;
Arrays.sort(edgesToRepair, (a,b)->(a[2]-b[2]));
int cost=0;
for(int[] i : edgesToRepair){
int ua = Find(unionFind, i[0]);
int ub = Find(unionFind, i[1]);
if(ua != ub){
unionFind[ua] = ub;
cost += i[2];
return edgesToRepair==N-1 ? cost : -1;
public int find(int[] uf, int find){
if(uf[find]==0) return find;
uf[find] = find(uf, uf[find]);
return uf[find];
首先将所有边(给定 edges[][])添加到 UnionFind,然后根据给定的 edgesToRepair 信息更新它。 (如果边缘被破坏然后将在 union -find 中更新它)
首先,当 unionFind 坏了时,我无法更新它。
您应该使用 Kruskal 算法找到由现有边和损坏(修复)边组成的最小成本生成树:
只需考虑现有边缘的成本为 0,而损坏的边缘有其修复成本。