
Is it possible to have two catches with the same Exception type from two different methods?

我正在开发一个程序,该程序接受用户输入(双精度)并从摄氏度转换为华氏度 (cToF),反之亦然 (fToC),约束范围为 0 到 1000。我对 cToF 和 fToC 都有一个单独的方法。
当用户没有输入双精度时,我想抛出一个异常。我在 main 中有 catch (InputMismatchException cToF) 和 catch (InputMismatchException2 fToC) 做不同的事情。
另外,我怀疑 fToC 的数学计算不正确,我只是还没弄明白。

我尝试将 InputMismatchException2 的名称更改为 InputMismatchException,但我得到 "exception has already been caught"。 我已经导入 java.util.*。
我尝试在 main 方法和两种转换方法的开头添加 "throws Exception" 。
我不确定 try-catch 是否应该在主要方法、个别方法或两者中。

public static void main(String args[]) throws InputMismatchException, InputMismatchException2 {

    Scanner choice = new Scanner(System.in);
    String unit = "n";
    boolean typo = false;
    double tempC = 0;
    double tempF = 0;

    try {
        start();//method to determine conversion type (F-C or C-F)

        if (typo == false) {

            do {//forever loop


            }//end do loop
            while (typo == false);

        }//end if

        System.out.println("Thank you, goodbye!");

    }//end try

    catch (InputMismatchException cToFE) {//if a non-double is entered

        System.out.println("The value " + tempC + " is not within previously defined constraints.");
        System.out.println("Please enter a new value.");

    }//end cToF catch

    catch (InputMismatchException2 fToCE) {//if a non-double is entered

        System.out.println("The value " + tempF + " is not within previously defined constraints.");
        System.out.println("Please enter a new value.");

    }//end fToC catch

}//end main method

public static void cToF(String unit) throws InputMismatchException {

    System.out.println("Please enter a value from 0 to 1000.");//CONSTRAINTS: 0 <= temp <= 1000

    Scanner temp = new Scanner(System.in);
    double tempC = temp.nextDouble();

    if (0 <=  tempC && tempC <= 1000) {//if tempC is within constraints

        double tempF = (tempC * 1.8) + 32;//arithmetic with tempC == tempF

        System.out.println(tempC + " degrees Celsius is " + tempF + " degrees Fahrenheit");//print conversion

    }//end if
    else if (tempC < 0 || tempC > 1000) {//if tempC is NOT within constraints

        System.out.println("The value " + tempC + " is not within previously defined constraints.");
        System.out.println("Please enter a new value.");

    }//end else if
    else {//if non-double entered

        //InputMismatchException cToFE = new InputMismatchException();
        throw new InputMismatchException();

    }//end else

}//end cToF method

public static void fToC(String unit) throws InputMismatchException2 {

    System.out.println("Please enter a value from 0 to 1000.");//CONSTRAINTS: 0 <= temp <= 1000

    Scanner temp = new Scanner(System.in);
    double tempF = temp.nextDouble();

    if (0 <=  tempF && tempF <= 1000) {//if tempF is within constraints

        double tempC = (32 - tempF) / 1.8;//arithmetic with tempF == tempC
        System.out.println(tempF + " degrees Fahrenheit is " + tempC + " degrees Celsius");//print conversion

    }//end if
    else if (tempF < 0 || tempF > 1000) {//if tempF is NOT within constraints

        System.out.println("The value " + tempF + " is not within previously defined constraints.");
        System.out.println("Please enter a new value.");

    }//end else if
    else {//if non-double entered

        //InputMismatchException2 fToCE = new InputMismatchException2();
        throw new InputMismatchException2();

    }//end else

}//end fToC method

如果用户在任一方法 (fToC/cToF) 中输入字母,则打印 The value [tempF/tempC respectively] 不在先前定义的限制范围内。请输入新值。


$ javac Temperature.java
Temperature.java:5: error: cannot find symbol
    public static void main(String args[]) throws InputMismatchException, InputMismatchException2 {
  symbol:   class InputMismatchException2
  location: class Temperature
Temperature.java:125: error: cannot find symbol
    public static void fToC(String unit) throws InputMismatchException2 {
  symbol:   class InputMismatchException2
  location: class Temperature
Temperature.java:42: error: cannot find symbol
        catch (InputMismatchException2 fToCE) {//if a non-double is entered
  symbol:   class InputMismatchException2
  location: class Temperature
Temperature.java:151: error: cannot find symbol
            throw new InputMismatchException2();
  symbol:   class InputMismatchException2
  location: class Temperature
4 errors

简而言之,,你不能这样做。否则,将无法决定在抛出异常时执行正确的 catch 语句。

你这里的错误是 "error: cannot find symbol"。根据错误跟踪,这意味着找不到符号 InputMismatchException2。本质上,如果你想抛出一个 InputMismatchException2,你将需要定义一个单独的 class InputMismatchException2(扩展 InputMismatchException)。然后你可以 运行 你的代码的原因是你实际上会抛出和捕捉两种不同的 InputMismatchException, InputMismatchExceptionInputMismatchException2.

但是!初始化 InputMismatchException with a message, and using its getMessage 方法以在 catch 语句中提取相关信息可能会好得多。

仔细查看代码,generally not recommended 将异常用作控制流的一部分。