如何使用默认 shell 在 OSX 上查找所有可用字体

How to find all available fonts on OSX using the default shell

我正在尝试使用 extendscript(一种专有的 ECMAScript 方言,但主要是 ≈ javascript)为 Adob​​e After Effects 编写脚本。我可以使用 inbuilt command system.callSystem() 来执行使用默认值(?)shell 的命令,但我找不到 bash 单行或 AppleScript 命令我可以用来列出可用的字体。

有没有办法在 OSX 的命令行上获取所有字体?

从 AppleScript,您可以使用此 ASOC 代码获取系统可用的所有字体或字体系列的名称:

use framework "AppKit"
set fontFamilyNames to (current application's NSFontManager's sharedFontManager's availableFontFamilies) as list
set fontNames to (current application's NSFontManager's sharedFontManager's availableFonts) as list

我不确定你想要哪一个,所以我包含了两者的代码。如果您想从 bash 访问此脚本,请使用 osascript 命令:

fontFamilyNames=$(osascript << SCPT
    use framework "AppKit"
    set fontFamilyNames to (current application's NSFontManager's sharedFontManager's availableFontFamilies) as list
    return fontFamilyNames

解决方案 1:AppleScript

tell application "Font Book" to set activeFontsList to name of every font family --- whose enabled is true

Note that the whose enabled is true filter is commented out because it slows down the query considerably.

解决方案 2:AppleScript & Bash

您可以从 Bash 执行上面的 AppleScript,如下所示:

#!/usr/bin/env bash

# Query the list of fonts with AppleScript.
font_list=$(osascript << SCPT
    tell application "Font Book" to set activeFontsList to name of every font family --- whose enabled is true

# Convert the list to column and sort it.
font_list=$(echo $font_list | awk -e 'gsub(", ", "\n")' | sort -f)

# Display the list.
echo -e "$font_list"

# Display the list size.
echo -e "$font_list" | wc -l | xargs printf "\nFont count: %d\n"

相同的脚本,但 one-liner:

font_list=$(osascript -e 'tell application "Font Book" to set activeFontsList to name of every font family --- whose enabled is true') && font_list=$(echo $font_list | awk -e 'gsub(", ", "\n")' | sort -f) && echo -e "$font_list"

解决方案 3:fc-list

fc-list : family | sort -f
fc-list : family | wc -l | xargs printf "\nFont count: %d\n"
