我可以强制 Siri 以不同的方式发音我的应用程序名称吗?

Can I force Siri to pronounce my app name differently?

我的 iOS 应用程序有一个 SiriKit 扩展程序,我希望它以不同的方式读出应用程序名称。为了这个问题,假设应用程序的名称是 'POP'。虽然 Siri 将其发音为 'pop',但我希望它发音为 'Pee Oh Pee'。有谁知道这是否可能?

我试过在 plist 中使用 INAlternativeAppNames 项目,但这似乎只影响 Siri 听到和解释为我的应用程序名称的内容。



CFBundleSpokenName (String - iOS, macOS) contains a suitable replacement for the app name when performing text-to-speech operations. Include this key in your app bundle when the spelling of your app might be mispronounced by the speech system. For example, if the name of your app is “MyApp123”, you might set the value of this key to “My app one two three”.

This key is supported in iOS 8 and later and in macOS 10.10 and later.