
How to use cudf.Series.applymap()?

有人可以提供一些如何在 cuDF 系列上使用 applymap 方法的示例吗?

下面是从文档中复制的,here 是对文档的 link。

applymap(self, udf, out_dtype=None)
  Apply a elemenwise function to transform the values in the Column.

  The user function is expected to take one argument and return the result, which will be stored to the output Series. The function cannot reference globals except for other simple scalar objects.

    udf : function
      Wrapped by `numba.cuda.jit` for call on the GPU as a device function.

    out_dtype : numpy.dtype; optional
      The dtype for use in the output. By default, the result will have the same dtype as the source.

    result: Series
      The mask and index are preserved.

API 文档有一个在最新版本 https://rapidsai.github.io/projects/cudf/en/0.9.0/10min.html#Applymap 中使用 applymap 的示例:

def add_ten(num):
    return num + 10


一般情况下,您传递一个函数期望对标量进行操作,并且该函数被 JIT 编译成矢量化 GPU 代码并在 GPU 上针对系列中的每个元素执行。