如何选择性地跳过 Flux 上的几个处理步骤

How to optionally skip several processing steps on Flux

我有从套接字接收到的动态热数据流。 我需要检查条件,如果值匹配,则跳转到带有新消息的步骤 3。

    final Flux<Msg> msgs = Flux.generate(receiver);

    final Flux<Msg> processed = msgs
        .map(this::checkCondition)  //step1
        .map(remote::doLongRunning) //optional step2
        .map(this::processFurther)  //step3

    public Msg checkCondition(Msg msg) {
            //is there a way to jump to step3 here ?
            return new OtherMsg(msg, "someAdditionalData")) 
        } else{
            return msg

我能想到的唯一替代方案 - 拆分 Flux 并将其组装回去,有没有更清洁的方法?

   final Flux<Msg> msgs = Flux.generate(receiver);

        final Flux<OtherMsg> checked = msgs
            .filter(this::doCheck) //step1
            .map(msg -> new OtherMsg(msg, "someAdditionalData"));

        final Flux<OtherMsg> unchecked = msgs
            .filter(msg -> !doCheck(msg)) //step1
            .map(remote::doLongRunning);  //optional step2

        Flux.merge(checked, unchecked)
            .map(this::processFurther)  //step3


final Flux<Msg> processed = msgs
        .flatMap(msg -> doCheck(msg)
            ? Mono.just(new OtherMsg(msg, "someAdditionalData")).map(remote::doLongRunning)
            : Mono.just(msg))

这样您就可以调用任何其他方法来操作三元表达式第一部分中的值,如果 doCheck() returns false,第二部分将确保它被绕过。 processFurther() 将在 flatMap() 调用之后执行,因此无论如何都会执行。