Concurrency, react-ing to more than one supply at a time
请考虑以下代码。为什么它的输出是 "BABABA" 而不是 "AAABAA" / "AABAAAB"?两个电源 运行 不应该并联并且当它们中的任何一个发生事件时立即触发吗?
my $i = 0;
my $supply1 = supply { loop { await Promise.in(3); done if $i++> 5; emit("B"); } };
my $supply2 = supply { loop { await Promise.in(1); done if $i++> 5; emit("A"); } };
#whenever Supply.merge($supply1, $supply2) -> $x { $x.print }
whenever $supply1 -> $x { $x.print };
whenever $supply2 -> $x { $x.print };
Supplies are asynchronous, not concurrent. You will need to use channels 而不是供应同时喂养他们。
use v6;
my $i = 0;
my Channel $c .= new;
my $supply1 = start { for ^5 { await Promise.in(1); $c.send("B"); } };
my $supply2 = start { for ^5 { await Promise.in(0.5); $c.send("A"); } };
await $supply2;
await $supply1;
.say for $c.list;
到通道。在您的示例中,它们在等待时实际上被阻塞了,因为它们都 运行ning 在同一个线程中。他们只在遵守诺言后才控制其他供应,因此他们 运行 显然 "in parallel" 和他们中较慢的人一样慢。
感谢这里的 jjmerelo,我设法让它工作了。渠道是正轨,但实际上你要消耗渠道供应。
use v6;
my Channel $c .= new;
my $supply1 = start { loop { await Promise.in(1); $c.send("B"); } };
my $supply2 = start { loop { await Promise.in(0.5); $c.send("A"); } };
whenever $c.Supply -> $x { $x.print };
当我们订阅一个 supply
块时,该 supply
块的主体立即 运行 以设置订阅。其中没有引入并发性;如果我们想要它,我们需要提出要求。
最佳解决方案取决于示例与您正在做的事情的接近程度。如果它非常接近 - 并且你希望每个时间间隔 emit
值 - 那么解决方案是使用 Supply.interval
my $i = 0;
my $supply1 = supply { whenever Supply.interval(3, 3) { done if $i++ > 5; emit("B"); } };
my $supply2 = supply { whenever Supply.interval(1, 1) { done if $i++> 5; emit("A"); } };
react {
whenever $supply1 -> $x { $x.print };
whenever $supply2 -> $x { $x.print };
它只是设置订阅并退出设置,因此会提供您想要的输出,但是您在 $i
更一般的模式是只做 任何事情 让循环发生在设置步骤之外。例如,我们可以使用一个保留的 Promise
来只是 "thunk" 它:
my constant READY = Promise.kept;
my $i = 0;
my $supply1 = supply whenever READY {
loop { await Promise.in(3); done if $i++> 5; emit("B"); }
my $supply2 = supply whenever READY {
loop { await Promise.in(1); done if $i++> 5; emit("A"); }
react {
whenever $supply1 -> $x { $x.print };
whenever $supply2 -> $x { $x.print };
这有帮助,因为 Promise
的结果将通过线程池调度程序传递到 supply
块,从而强制执行 whenever
的内容 - 包含循环 - 进入它自己的计划任务。
sub asynchronize(Supply $s) {
supply whenever Promise.kept {
whenever $s { .emit }
my $i = 0;
my $supply1 = supply { loop { await Promise.in(3); done if $i++> 5; emit("B") } }
my $supply2 = supply { loop { await Promise.in(1); done if $i++> 5; emit("A") } }
react {
whenever asynchronize $supply1 -> $x { $x.print }
whenever asynchronize $supply2 -> $x { $x.print }
也可以使用 Channel
,正如其他解决方案所建议的那样,并且取决于手头可能合适的问题;这个问题有点太抽象了,我无法说出一个真正的问题。此解决方案保持在 Supply
A monster hatched.
A monster hatched.
A hero was born.
The Monster is at 2,3
The Monster is at 3,2
The Player is at 0,0
The Monster (2) attacks the Player (3)
The Monster rolls 14
The Player rolls 4
The Monster inflicts 4 damage
The Player (3) attacks the Monster (2)
The Player rolls 11
The Monster rolls 8
The Player inflicts 45 damage
The Monster is dead
The Monster is at -3,-3
The Player is at 4,-3
The Monster (1) attacks the Player (3)
The Monster rolls 8
The Player rolls 5
The Monster inflicts 11 damage
The Player has 32 hitpoints left
The Monster is at -4,1
The Player is at -1,4
The Player (3) attacks the Monster (1)
The Player rolls 12
The Monster rolls 11
The Player inflicts 46 damage
The Monster is dead
Game over. The Player has won
现在奇怪的是,有时,在大约 20% 的运行中,输出的最后一行是
Game over. The GameObject has won
class GameObject
has Int $.id;
has Int $.x is rw;
has Int $.y is rw;
has $.game;
has Int $.speed; #the higher the faster
has Bool $.stopped is rw;
multi method start( &action )
start {
loop {
last if self.stopped;
await Promise.in( 1 / self.speed );
$.game.remove-object( self );
method speed {
$!speed +
# 33% variation from the base speed in either direction
( -($!speed / 3).Int .. ($!speed / 3).Int ).pick
role UnnecessaryViolence
has $.damage;
has $.hitpoints is rw;
has $.offense;
has $.defense;
method attack ( GameObject $target )
say "The {self.WHAT.perl} ({self.id}) attacks the {$target.WHAT.perl} ({$target.id})";
my $attacker = roll( $.offense, 1 .. 6 ).sum;
say "The {self.WHAT.perl} rolls $attacker";
my $defender = roll( $target.defense, 1 .. 6 ).sum;
say "The {$target.WHAT.perl} rolls $defender";
if $attacker > $defender
my $damage = ( 1 .. $.damage ).pick;
say "The {self.WHAT.perl} inflicts {$damage} damage";
$target.hitpoints -= $damage ;
if $target.hitpoints < 0
say "The {$target.WHAT.perl} is dead";
$target.stopped = True;
say "The {$target.WHAT.perl} has { $target.hitpoints } hitpoints left";
class Player is GameObject does UnnecessaryViolence
has $.name;
multi method start
say "A hero was born.";
# say "The hero is moving";
# keyboard logic here, in the meantime random movement
$.game.channel.send( { object => self, x => (-1 .. 1).pick, y => (-1 .. 1).pick } );
class Monster is GameObject does UnnecessaryViolence
has $.species;
multi method start
say "A monster hatched.";
# say "The monster {self.id} is moving";
# AI logic here, in the meantime random movement
$.game.channel.send( { object => self, x => (-1 .. 1).pick, y => (-1 .. 1).pick } );
class Game
my $idc = 0;
has GameObject @.objects is rw;
has Channel $.channel = .new;
method run{
method setup
self.add-object( Monster.new( :id(++$idc), :species("Troll"), :hitpoints(20), :damage(14), :offense(3), :speed(300), :defense(3), :x(3), :y(2), :game(self) ) );
self.add-object( Monster.new( :id(++$idc), :species("Troll"), :hitpoints(10), :damage(16), :offense(3), :speed(400), :defense(3), :x(3), :y(2), :game(self) ) );
self.add-object( Player.new( :id(++$idc), :name("Holli"), :hitpoints(50), :damage(60), :offense(3), :speed(200) :defense(2), :x(0), :y(0), :game(self) ) );
method add-object( GameObject $object )
@!objects.push( $object );
method remove-object( GameObject $object )
@!objects = @!objects.grep({ !($_ === $object) });
method mainloop
react {
whenever $.channel.Supply -> $event
if self.all-objects-stopped;
self.process-movement( $event );
if self.game-is-over;
whenever Supply.interval(1) {
method process-movement( $event )
#say "The {$event<object>.WHAT.perl} moves.";
given $event<object>
my $to-x = .x + $event<x>;
my $to-y = .y + $event<y>;
for @!objects -> $object
# we don't care abour ourselves
if $_ === $object;
# see if anything is where we want to be
if ( $to-x == $object.x && $to-y == $object.y )
# can't move, blocked by friendly
if $object.WHAT eqv .WHAT;
# we found a monster
.attack( $object );
# -5 -1 5
# we won the fight or the place is empty
# so let's move
.x = $to-x == 5 ?? -4 !!
$to-x == -5 ?? 4 !!
.y = $to-y == 5 ?? -4 !!
$to-y == -5 ?? 4 !!
method render
for @!objects -> $object {
"The {$object.WHAT.perl} is at {$object.x},{$object.y}".say;
method stop-objects
say "Stopping";
for @!objects -> $object {
$object.stopped = True;
method stop-game {
"Game over. The {@!objects[0].WHAT.perl} has won".say;
method game-is-over {
return (@!objects.map({.WHAT})).unique.elems == 1;
method all-objects-stopped {
(@!objects.grep({!.stopped})).elems == 0;
请考虑以下代码。为什么它的输出是 "BABABA" 而不是 "AAABAA" / "AABAAAB"?两个电源 运行 不应该并联并且当它们中的任何一个发生事件时立即触发吗?
my $i = 0;
my $supply1 = supply { loop { await Promise.in(3); done if $i++> 5; emit("B"); } };
my $supply2 = supply { loop { await Promise.in(1); done if $i++> 5; emit("A"); } };
#whenever Supply.merge($supply1, $supply2) -> $x { $x.print }
whenever $supply1 -> $x { $x.print };
whenever $supply2 -> $x { $x.print };
Supplies are asynchronous, not concurrent. You will need to use channels 而不是供应同时喂养他们。
use v6;
my $i = 0;
my Channel $c .= new;
my $supply1 = start { for ^5 { await Promise.in(1); $c.send("B"); } };
my $supply2 = start { for ^5 { await Promise.in(0.5); $c.send("A"); } };
await $supply2;
await $supply1;
.say for $c.list;
到通道。在您的示例中,它们在等待时实际上被阻塞了,因为它们都 运行ning 在同一个线程中。他们只在遵守诺言后才控制其他供应,因此他们 运行 显然 "in parallel" 和他们中较慢的人一样慢。
感谢这里的 jjmerelo,我设法让它工作了。渠道是正轨,但实际上你要消耗渠道供应。
use v6;
my Channel $c .= new;
my $supply1 = start { loop { await Promise.in(1); $c.send("B"); } };
my $supply2 = start { loop { await Promise.in(0.5); $c.send("A"); } };
whenever $c.Supply -> $x { $x.print };
当我们订阅一个 supply
块时,该 supply
块的主体立即 运行 以设置订阅。其中没有引入并发性;如果我们想要它,我们需要提出要求。
最佳解决方案取决于示例与您正在做的事情的接近程度。如果它非常接近 - 并且你希望每个时间间隔 emit
值 - 那么解决方案是使用 Supply.interval
my $i = 0;
my $supply1 = supply { whenever Supply.interval(3, 3) { done if $i++ > 5; emit("B"); } };
my $supply2 = supply { whenever Supply.interval(1, 1) { done if $i++> 5; emit("A"); } };
react {
whenever $supply1 -> $x { $x.print };
whenever $supply2 -> $x { $x.print };
它只是设置订阅并退出设置,因此会提供您想要的输出,但是您在 $i
更一般的模式是只做 任何事情 让循环发生在设置步骤之外。例如,我们可以使用一个保留的 Promise
来只是 "thunk" 它:
my constant READY = Promise.kept;
my $i = 0;
my $supply1 = supply whenever READY {
loop { await Promise.in(3); done if $i++> 5; emit("B"); }
my $supply2 = supply whenever READY {
loop { await Promise.in(1); done if $i++> 5; emit("A"); }
react {
whenever $supply1 -> $x { $x.print };
whenever $supply2 -> $x { $x.print };
这有帮助,因为 Promise
的结果将通过线程池调度程序传递到 supply
块,从而强制执行 whenever
的内容 - 包含循环 - 进入它自己的计划任务。
sub asynchronize(Supply $s) {
supply whenever Promise.kept {
whenever $s { .emit }
my $i = 0;
my $supply1 = supply { loop { await Promise.in(3); done if $i++> 5; emit("B") } }
my $supply2 = supply { loop { await Promise.in(1); done if $i++> 5; emit("A") } }
react {
whenever asynchronize $supply1 -> $x { $x.print }
whenever asynchronize $supply2 -> $x { $x.print }
也可以使用 Channel
,正如其他解决方案所建议的那样,并且取决于手头可能合适的问题;这个问题有点太抽象了,我无法说出一个真正的问题。此解决方案保持在 Supply
A monster hatched.
A monster hatched.
A hero was born.
The Monster is at 2,3
The Monster is at 3,2
The Player is at 0,0
The Monster (2) attacks the Player (3)
The Monster rolls 14
The Player rolls 4
The Monster inflicts 4 damage
The Player (3) attacks the Monster (2)
The Player rolls 11
The Monster rolls 8
The Player inflicts 45 damage
The Monster is dead
The Monster is at -3,-3
The Player is at 4,-3
The Monster (1) attacks the Player (3)
The Monster rolls 8
The Player rolls 5
The Monster inflicts 11 damage
The Player has 32 hitpoints left
The Monster is at -4,1
The Player is at -1,4
The Player (3) attacks the Monster (1)
The Player rolls 12
The Monster rolls 11
The Player inflicts 46 damage
The Monster is dead
Game over. The Player has won
现在奇怪的是,有时,在大约 20% 的运行中,输出的最后一行是
Game over. The GameObject has won
class GameObject
has Int $.id;
has Int $.x is rw;
has Int $.y is rw;
has $.game;
has Int $.speed; #the higher the faster
has Bool $.stopped is rw;
multi method start( &action )
start {
loop {
last if self.stopped;
await Promise.in( 1 / self.speed );
$.game.remove-object( self );
method speed {
$!speed +
# 33% variation from the base speed in either direction
( -($!speed / 3).Int .. ($!speed / 3).Int ).pick
role UnnecessaryViolence
has $.damage;
has $.hitpoints is rw;
has $.offense;
has $.defense;
method attack ( GameObject $target )
say "The {self.WHAT.perl} ({self.id}) attacks the {$target.WHAT.perl} ({$target.id})";
my $attacker = roll( $.offense, 1 .. 6 ).sum;
say "The {self.WHAT.perl} rolls $attacker";
my $defender = roll( $target.defense, 1 .. 6 ).sum;
say "The {$target.WHAT.perl} rolls $defender";
if $attacker > $defender
my $damage = ( 1 .. $.damage ).pick;
say "The {self.WHAT.perl} inflicts {$damage} damage";
$target.hitpoints -= $damage ;
if $target.hitpoints < 0
say "The {$target.WHAT.perl} is dead";
$target.stopped = True;
say "The {$target.WHAT.perl} has { $target.hitpoints } hitpoints left";
class Player is GameObject does UnnecessaryViolence
has $.name;
multi method start
say "A hero was born.";
# say "The hero is moving";
# keyboard logic here, in the meantime random movement
$.game.channel.send( { object => self, x => (-1 .. 1).pick, y => (-1 .. 1).pick } );
class Monster is GameObject does UnnecessaryViolence
has $.species;
multi method start
say "A monster hatched.";
# say "The monster {self.id} is moving";
# AI logic here, in the meantime random movement
$.game.channel.send( { object => self, x => (-1 .. 1).pick, y => (-1 .. 1).pick } );
class Game
my $idc = 0;
has GameObject @.objects is rw;
has Channel $.channel = .new;
method run{
method setup
self.add-object( Monster.new( :id(++$idc), :species("Troll"), :hitpoints(20), :damage(14), :offense(3), :speed(300), :defense(3), :x(3), :y(2), :game(self) ) );
self.add-object( Monster.new( :id(++$idc), :species("Troll"), :hitpoints(10), :damage(16), :offense(3), :speed(400), :defense(3), :x(3), :y(2), :game(self) ) );
self.add-object( Player.new( :id(++$idc), :name("Holli"), :hitpoints(50), :damage(60), :offense(3), :speed(200) :defense(2), :x(0), :y(0), :game(self) ) );
method add-object( GameObject $object )
@!objects.push( $object );
method remove-object( GameObject $object )
@!objects = @!objects.grep({ !($_ === $object) });
method mainloop
react {
whenever $.channel.Supply -> $event
if self.all-objects-stopped;
self.process-movement( $event );
if self.game-is-over;
whenever Supply.interval(1) {
method process-movement( $event )
#say "The {$event<object>.WHAT.perl} moves.";
given $event<object>
my $to-x = .x + $event<x>;
my $to-y = .y + $event<y>;
for @!objects -> $object
# we don't care abour ourselves
if $_ === $object;
# see if anything is where we want to be
if ( $to-x == $object.x && $to-y == $object.y )
# can't move, blocked by friendly
if $object.WHAT eqv .WHAT;
# we found a monster
.attack( $object );
# -5 -1 5
# we won the fight or the place is empty
# so let's move
.x = $to-x == 5 ?? -4 !!
$to-x == -5 ?? 4 !!
.y = $to-y == 5 ?? -4 !!
$to-y == -5 ?? 4 !!
method render
for @!objects -> $object {
"The {$object.WHAT.perl} is at {$object.x},{$object.y}".say;
method stop-objects
say "Stopping";
for @!objects -> $object {
$object.stopped = True;
method stop-game {
"Game over. The {@!objects[0].WHAT.perl} has won".say;
method game-is-over {
return (@!objects.map({.WHAT})).unique.elems == 1;
method all-objects-stopped {
(@!objects.grep({!.stopped})).elems == 0;