
Cannot understand CLRS Problem 4-2 case 2


4-2 Parameter-passing costs

Throughout this book, we assume that parameter passing during procedure calls takes constant time, even if an N-element array is being passed. This assumption is valid in most systems because a pointer to the array is passed, not the array itself. This problem examines the implications of three parameter-passing strategies:

  1. An array is passed by pointer. Time Theta(1)

2. An array is passed by copying. Time Theta(N), where N is the size of the array.

  1. An array is passed by copying only the subrange that might be accessed by the called procedure. Time Theta(q-p+1) if the subarray A[p..q] is passed.

a. Consider the recursive binary search algorithm for finding a number in a sorted array (see Exercise 2.3-5 ). Give recurrences for the worst-case running times of binary search when arrays are passed using each of the three methods above, and give good upper bounds on the solutions of the recurrences. Let N be the size of the original problem and n be the size of a subproblem.

b. Redo part (a) for the MERGE-SORT algorithm from Section 2.3.1.

我无法理解如何解决通过复制两种算法传递数组的情况 2 的重复出现。

以案例2的二分查找算法为例,大多数答案给出的递归是T(n)=T(n / 2)+Theta(N)。我对此没有问题。



= T(n/2) + cN

= 2cN + T(n/4)

= 3cN + T(n/8)

= Sigma(i = 0 to lgn - 1) (2^i cN / (2^i))

= cNlgn

= Theta(nlgn)

我无法理解倒数第二行如何导致最后一行的答案。为什么不用 Theta(Nlgn) 表示呢? N怎么变成Theta符号中的n?


似乎 N 代表整个数组长度,n 是当前块大小。

但是当您从全长 n=N 开始时,公式实际上只利用初始值 - 例如,查看 T(n/4) 得到 T(N/4),所以到处都是 n===N

在这种情况下,您可以将 n 替换为 N。

我的回答不会很理论化,但也许这种 "more empirical" 方法可以帮助您弄明白。还要检查 Master Theorem (analysis of algorithms) 以便更轻松地分析递归算法的复杂性


  1. 通过指针

    O(logN) - 就像迭代二进制搜索一样,将有 logN 次调用,每个调用具有 O(1) 复杂度

  2. 复制整个数组

    O(NlogN) - 因为对于函数的每个 logN 调用,我们复制 N 个元素

  3. 只复制访问的子数组

    O(N) - 这个不是很明显,但可以很容易地看出复制的子数组的长度为 NN/2N/4N/8 ....所有这些项的总和将是 2*N


  1. O(NlogN) - 与 a3 相同的方法,迭代子数组的长度为 N(N/2, N/2)(N/4, N/4, N/4, N/4) ...

  2. O(N^2) - 我们对排序函数进行了 2*N 次调用,每个调用的复杂度为 O(N) 用于复制整个数组

  3. O(NlogN) - 我们将仅复制我们将迭代的子数组,因此复杂度将与 b1

  4. 相同