
How to interleave two string vectors with equal signs?

我正在尝试将两个字符串向量交织成一个向量,我相信,向量具有等号。 这是一个例子:

a <- c('coef_name1', 'coef_name2')
b <- c('clean_name1', 'clean_name2')
desired_output <- c('coef_name1'='clean_name1', 'coef_name2'='clean_name2')


c(rbind(a, b))

但我有点受困于此。 我也尝试手动创建一个短的 quosure,但是

quo(a[1] = b[1])


我需要这个,因为我想用参数 newNames 更改 coefplot::coefplot 中显示的系数名称。请参阅其文档的第 9 页:https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/coefplot/coefplot.pdf


coefplot::coefplot(model, newNames = desired_output, intercept = FALSE)

coefplot documentationnewNames 描述为 "Named character vector of new names for coefficients"

# b is a character vector without names
b <- c('clean_name1', 'clean_name2')

# give it names
a <- c('coef_name1', 'coef_name2')
names(b) <- a
# now b is a named character vector

# so this should work
coefplot::coefplot(model, newNames = b, intercept = FALSE)