
How to specify constructor's template arguments inside a new expression?


#include <iostream>

struct A
    template <int I>
    A() : _i{I} {}

    int _i;

int main()
    A* ptr = new A; // how to call the constructor with a specific template argument ?

    return 0;    


clang++ -std=c++17 -Wall main.cpp && ./a.out;

main.cpp:13:18: error: no matching constructor for initialization of 'A'

    A* ptr = new A; // how to call the constructor with a specific template argument ?
main.cpp:6:5: note: candidate template ignored: couldn't infer template argument 'I'

    A() : _i{I} {}
main.cpp:3:8: note: candidate constructor (the implicit copy constructor) not viable: requires 1 argument, but 0 were provided

struct A

这看起来像是一个以前会遇到一千次的问题,但我在 cppreference 或 SO 上找不到解决方案。


不幸的是,您不能为构造函数模板显式指定模板参数,除非可以推导模板参数,否则不能使用它。 [temp.arg.explicit]/8

[ Note: Because the explicit template argument list follows the function template name, and because constructor templates ([class.ctor]) are named without using a function name ([class.qual]), there is no way to provide an explicit template argument list for these function templates. — end note ]


struct A
    int _i;

template<int I>
struct B : A
    B() : A::_i(I) {}


A* a = new B<10>;



struct A
    template <int I>
    A(std::integral_constant<int, I>) : _i{I} {}

    int _i;

auto a = A{std::integral_constant<int, 4>{}};