golang:select 语句中的通道有时只接收 (???)

golang: channel in select statement is only receiving sometimes (???)

我在从两个通道接收的 go 例程中有一个 select 语句。

for {
    fmt.Printf("Waiting for select statement ...\n")
    select {
    case req := <-requestChan:
        fmt.Printf("I got a request: %v\n", req)
    case <-doneChan:
        fmt.Printf("serveDatabase: Got closing signal. Stop serving.\n")


requestChan <- Db_request{ request: "Login", beehive: "yaylaswiese" }
requestChan <- Db_request{ request: "Signup", beehive: "aziz nezir" }

fmt.Printf("Sending true to the doneChannel\n")
doneChan <- true


>     Waiting for select statement ...
>     I got a request: {Login yaylaswiese}
>     Waiting for select statement ...
>     Sending true to the doneChannel
>     I got a request: {Signup aziz nezir}
>     Waiting for select statement ...
>     serveDatabase: Got closing signal. Stop serving.


requestChan <- Db_request{ request: "Login", beehive: "yaylaswiese" }
// requestChan <- Db_request{ request: "Signup", beehive: "aziz nezir" }

fmt.Printf("Sending true to the doneChannel\n")
doneChan <- true


>     Waiting for select statement ...
>     I got a request: {Login yaylaswiese}
>     Waiting for select statement ...
>     Sending true to the doneChannel

因此永远不会收到 doneChan。我也尝试在发送 doneChan 后进入无限循环,但结果相同。


很可能,您的 main 在另一个 goroutine 完成之前退出。请注意,它们是并发的,一旦 main 完成,所有其他 goroutines 都会被杀死。

您需要将 goroutine 的结尾与 main 显式同步。 You can use sync.WaitGroup for that,或其他频道。