Calculate the ratio of area of different colors in an image
我正在尝试计算图像中颜色的比例,return 这是一个比率。我有很多 "logs" 的图像,它们是颜色的垂直序列,我想知道一种颜色的总面积与另一种颜色的差异,以及一种颜色相对于整个图像的比率.
举个例子,在下图中,如果我计算蓝色占据的总面积并将其与整个面积(蓝色和棕色相结合,我得到比率 = 69.14。(我得到那个值通过将所有蓝色矩形的面积相加并除以所有蓝色和棕色矩形的总面积)
*注意,颜色不会总是下面的颜色,如果可能的话,我希望能够使用两种以上的颜色(也许只给出我正在使用的颜色的 RGB 代码)专注于并希望该颜色与整个颜色的比例)。
请注意,我有很多图像,我必须 运行 这一张,所以如果可能的话,循环遍历文件夹中的所有图像会很有帮助。
import cv2
import numpy as np
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
# load image
image = cv2.imread('/Users/Me/Desktop/logtest.png',0)
# plot the binary image
imgplot = plt.imshow(image, "gray")
#Calculate percent of pixels that are black
ret,thresh = cv2.threshold(image,0,230, cv2.THRESH_BINARY)
height, width = image.shape
print ("Height and Width : ",height, width)
size = image.size
print ("Total number of pixels in the image is =", size)
ChosenPix = cv2.countNonZero(image)
print("Total number of black pixels =", count)
Ratio = (ChosenPix/size)*100
print("Ratio of black to total is =", Ratio)
然后我使用 glob 来 select 所有名为 log*png
#!/usr/bin/env python3
from PIL import Image
import numpy as np
import glob
def processLog(filename):
print(f"Processing log: {filename}")
# Open this image and make a Numpy version for easy processing
im = Image.open(filename).convert('RGBA').convert('RGB')
imnp = np.array(im)
h, w = imnp.shape[:2]
# Get list of unique colours...
# Arrange all pixels into a tall column of 3 RGB values and find unique rows (colours)
colours, counts = np.unique(imnp.reshape(-1,3), axis=0, return_counts=1)
# Iterate through unique colours
for index, colour in enumerate(colours):
count = counts[index]
proportion = (100 * count) / (h * w)
print(f" Colour: {colour}, count: {count}, proportion: {proportion:.2f}%")
# Iterate over all images called "log*png" in current directory
for filename in glob.glob('log*png'):
Processing log: log2.png
Colour: [ 0 255 255], count: 800, proportion: 5.00%
Colour: [255 0 255], count: 6400, proportion: 40.00%
Colour: [255 255 0], count: 8800, proportion: 55.00%
Processing log: log1.png
Colour: [ 0 255 0], count: 6400, proportion: 36.36%
Colour: [255 0 0], count: 11200, proportion: 63.64%
Processing log: log9.png
Colour: [ 83 195 187], count: 16160, proportion: 67.33%
Colour: [ 87 190 179], count: 80, proportion: 0.33%
Colour: [ 88 184 171], count: 80, proportion: 0.33%
Colour: [ 89 180 165], count: 80, proportion: 0.33%
Colour: [ 94 175 158], count: 80, proportion: 0.33%
Colour: [ 96 164 143], count: 80, proportion: 0.33%
Colour: [107 146 116], count: 80, proportion: 0.33%
Colour: [120 114 71], count: 80, proportion: 0.33%
Colour: [124 99 50], count: 80, proportion: 0.33%
Colour: [126 88 35], count: 7120, proportion: 29.67%
Colour: [126 90 37], count: 80, proportion: 0.33%
循环中遍历文件并使用ImageMagick 为您提取总像素数和每种颜色的像素数。 ImageMagick 安装在大多数 Linux 发行版上,可用于 macOS 和 Windows:
for f in log*png; do magick "$f" -format "%f: %[fx:w*h]\n" -write info: -format %c histogram:info: ; done
log1.png: 17600
6400: ( 0,255, 0) #00FF00 lime
11200: (255, 0, 0) #FF0000 red
log2.png: 16000
800: ( 0,255,255) #00FFFF cyan
6400: (255, 0,255) #FF00FF magenta
8800: (255,255, 0) #FFFF00 yellow
log9.png: 24000
16160: ( 83,195,187,255) #53C3BBFF srgba(83,195,187,1)
80: ( 87,190,179,255) #57BEB3FF srgba(87,190,179,1)
80: ( 88,184,171,251) #58B8ABFB srgba(88,184,171,0.984314)
80: ( 89,180,165,255) #59B4A5FF srgba(89,180,165,1)
80: ( 94,175,158,246) #5EAF9EF6 srgba(94,175,158,0.964706)
80: ( 96,164,143,255) #60A48FFF srgba(96,164,143,1)
80: (107,146,116,246) #6B9274F6 srgba(107,146,116,0.964706)
80: (120,114, 71,246) #787247F6 srgba(120,114,71,0.964706)
80: (124, 99, 50,255) #7C6332FF srgba(124,99,50,1)
7120: (126, 88, 35,255) #7E5823FF srgba(126,88,35,1)
80: (126, 90, 37,250) #7E5A25FA srgba(126,90,37,0.980392)
我正在尝试计算图像中颜色的比例,return 这是一个比率。我有很多 "logs" 的图像,它们是颜色的垂直序列,我想知道一种颜色的总面积与另一种颜色的差异,以及一种颜色相对于整个图像的比率.
举个例子,在下图中,如果我计算蓝色占据的总面积并将其与整个面积(蓝色和棕色相结合,我得到比率 = 69.14。(我得到那个值通过将所有蓝色矩形的面积相加并除以所有蓝色和棕色矩形的总面积)
*注意,颜色不会总是下面的颜色,如果可能的话,我希望能够使用两种以上的颜色(也许只给出我正在使用的颜色的 RGB 代码)专注于并希望该颜色与整个颜色的比例)。
请注意,我有很多图像,我必须 运行 这一张,所以如果可能的话,循环遍历文件夹中的所有图像会很有帮助。
import cv2
import numpy as np
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
# load image
image = cv2.imread('/Users/Me/Desktop/logtest.png',0)
# plot the binary image
imgplot = plt.imshow(image, "gray")
#Calculate percent of pixels that are black
ret,thresh = cv2.threshold(image,0,230, cv2.THRESH_BINARY)
height, width = image.shape
print ("Height and Width : ",height, width)
size = image.size
print ("Total number of pixels in the image is =", size)
ChosenPix = cv2.countNonZero(image)
print("Total number of black pixels =", count)
Ratio = (ChosenPix/size)*100
print("Ratio of black to total is =", Ratio)
然后我使用 glob 来 select 所有名为 log*png
#!/usr/bin/env python3
from PIL import Image
import numpy as np
import glob
def processLog(filename):
print(f"Processing log: {filename}")
# Open this image and make a Numpy version for easy processing
im = Image.open(filename).convert('RGBA').convert('RGB')
imnp = np.array(im)
h, w = imnp.shape[:2]
# Get list of unique colours...
# Arrange all pixels into a tall column of 3 RGB values and find unique rows (colours)
colours, counts = np.unique(imnp.reshape(-1,3), axis=0, return_counts=1)
# Iterate through unique colours
for index, colour in enumerate(colours):
count = counts[index]
proportion = (100 * count) / (h * w)
print(f" Colour: {colour}, count: {count}, proportion: {proportion:.2f}%")
# Iterate over all images called "log*png" in current directory
for filename in glob.glob('log*png'):
Processing log: log2.png
Colour: [ 0 255 255], count: 800, proportion: 5.00%
Colour: [255 0 255], count: 6400, proportion: 40.00%
Colour: [255 255 0], count: 8800, proportion: 55.00%
Processing log: log1.png
Colour: [ 0 255 0], count: 6400, proportion: 36.36%
Colour: [255 0 0], count: 11200, proportion: 63.64%
Processing log: log9.png
Colour: [ 83 195 187], count: 16160, proportion: 67.33%
Colour: [ 87 190 179], count: 80, proportion: 0.33%
Colour: [ 88 184 171], count: 80, proportion: 0.33%
Colour: [ 89 180 165], count: 80, proportion: 0.33%
Colour: [ 94 175 158], count: 80, proportion: 0.33%
Colour: [ 96 164 143], count: 80, proportion: 0.33%
Colour: [107 146 116], count: 80, proportion: 0.33%
Colour: [120 114 71], count: 80, proportion: 0.33%
Colour: [124 99 50], count: 80, proportion: 0.33%
Colour: [126 88 35], count: 7120, proportion: 29.67%
Colour: [126 90 37], count: 80, proportion: 0.33%
循环中遍历文件并使用ImageMagick 为您提取总像素数和每种颜色的像素数。 ImageMagick 安装在大多数 Linux 发行版上,可用于 macOS 和 Windows:
for f in log*png; do magick "$f" -format "%f: %[fx:w*h]\n" -write info: -format %c histogram:info: ; done
log1.png: 17600
6400: ( 0,255, 0) #00FF00 lime
11200: (255, 0, 0) #FF0000 red
log2.png: 16000
800: ( 0,255,255) #00FFFF cyan
6400: (255, 0,255) #FF00FF magenta
8800: (255,255, 0) #FFFF00 yellow
log9.png: 24000
16160: ( 83,195,187,255) #53C3BBFF srgba(83,195,187,1)
80: ( 87,190,179,255) #57BEB3FF srgba(87,190,179,1)
80: ( 88,184,171,251) #58B8ABFB srgba(88,184,171,0.984314)
80: ( 89,180,165,255) #59B4A5FF srgba(89,180,165,1)
80: ( 94,175,158,246) #5EAF9EF6 srgba(94,175,158,0.964706)
80: ( 96,164,143,255) #60A48FFF srgba(96,164,143,1)
80: (107,146,116,246) #6B9274F6 srgba(107,146,116,0.964706)
80: (120,114, 71,246) #787247F6 srgba(120,114,71,0.964706)
80: (124, 99, 50,255) #7C6332FF srgba(124,99,50,1)
7120: (126, 88, 35,255) #7E5823FF srgba(126,88,35,1)
80: (126, 90, 37,250) #7E5A25FA srgba(126,90,37,0.980392)