python 如何在主图像之上叠加分割图像

How to overlay segmented image on top of main image in python

我有一个 RGB 图像和另一个分段图像,其中像素有 3 个值(分段图像)。我想将分割图像叠加在主图像之上,因为分割区域在主图像上形成轮廓,如下图所示。这里分割后的图像像素值为0、1、2。红色轮廓表示值为1的像素轮廓,黄色轮廓表示值为2的像素轮廓,背景像素值为0。

图片来自论文"Dilated-Inception Net: Multi-Scale FeatureAggregation for Cardiac Right VentricleSegmentation"


segmented image


output image



  • OpenCV
  • PIL/PillowNumpy
  • 命令行与 ImageMagick
  • 来自 skimage 的形态

方法 1 - OpenCV

  • 以灰度打开分割图像
  • 将主图打开为灰度并制作颜色以允许注释
  • 使用 cv2.findContours()
  • 查找轮廓
  • 迭代轮廓并使用 cv2.drawContours() 根据分割图像中的标签将每个轮廓以颜色绘制到主图像上。

文档是 here



对比拉伸时看起来像这样,三明治标记为 grey(1),鼻子标记为 grey(2):


#!/usr/bin/env python3

import numpy as np
import cv2

# Load images as greyscale but make main RGB so we can annotate in colour
seg  = cv2.imread('segmented.png',cv2.IMREAD_GRAYSCALE)
main = cv2.imread('main.png',cv2.IMREAD_GRAYSCALE)
main = cv2.cvtColor(main,cv2.COLOR_GRAY2BGR)

# Dictionary giving RGB colour for label (segment label) - label 1 in red, label 2 in yellow
RGBforLabel = { 1:(0,0,255), 2:(0,255,255) }

# Find external contours
_,contours,_ = cv2.findContours(seg,cv2.RETR_EXTERNAL,cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_NONE)

# Iterate over all contours
for i,c in enumerate(contours):
    # Find mean colour inside this contour by doing a masked mean
    mask = np.zeros(seg.shape, np.uint8)
    cv2.drawContours(mask,[c],-1,255, -1)
    # DEBUG: cv2.imwrite(f"mask-{i}.png",mask)
    mean,_,_,_ = cv2.mean(seg, mask=mask)
    # DEBUG: print(f"i: {i}, mean: {mean}")

    # Get appropriate colour for this label
    label = 2 if mean > 1.0 else 1
    colour = RGBforLabel.get(label)
    # DEBUG: print(f"Colour: {colour}")

    # Outline contour in that colour on main image, line thickness=1

# Save result


方法 2 - PIL/Pillow 和 Numpy

  • 打开分割图像并找到独特的颜色
  • 打开主图并去色
  • 遍历列表中的每个唯一颜色
  • ...使所有像素为白色,所有其他像素为黑色
  • ...寻找边缘并使用边缘作为蒙版在主图像上绘制颜色


#!/usr/bin/env python3

from PIL import Image, ImageFilter
import numpy as np

def drawContour(m,s,c,RGB):
    """Draw edges of contour 'c' from segmented image 's' onto 'm' in colour 'RGB'"""
    # Fill contour "c" with white, make all else black
    thisContour = s.point(lambda p:p==c and 255)
    # DEBUG:"interim{c}.png")

    # Find edges of this contour and make into Numpy array
    thisEdges   = thisContour.filter(ImageFilter.FIND_EDGES)
    thisEdgesN  = np.array(thisEdges)

    # Paint locations of found edges in color "RGB" onto "main"
    m[np.nonzero(thisEdgesN)] = RGB
    return m

# Load segmented image as greyscale
seg ='segmented.png').convert('L')

# Load main image - desaturate and revert to RGB so we can draw on it in colour
main ='main.png').convert('L').convert('RGB')
mainN = np.array(main)

mainN = drawContour(mainN,seg,1,(255,0,0))   # draw contour 1 in red
mainN = drawContour(mainN,seg,2,(255,255,0)) # draw contour 2 in yellow

# Save result


方法 3 - ImageMagick

您也可以在命令行中执行相同的操作,而无需编写任何 Python,只需使用安装在大多数 Linux 上的 ImageMagick发行版并可用于 macOS 和 Windows:


# Make red overlay for "1" labels
convert segmented.png -colorspace gray -fill black +opaque "gray(1)" -fill white -opaque "gray(1)" -edge 1 -transparent black -fill red     -colorize 100% m1.gif
# Make yellow overlay for "2" labels
convert segmented.png -colorspace gray -fill black +opaque "gray(2)" -fill white -opaque "gray(2)" -edge 1 -transparent black -fill yellow  -colorize 100% m2.gif
# Overlay both "m1.gif" and "m2.gif" onto main image
convert main.png -colorspace gray -colorspace rgb m1.gif -composite m2.gif -composite result.png

方法 4 - 来自 skimage 的形态学

我在这里使用形态学来查找 1 像素附近的黑色像素和 2 像素附近的黑色像素。

#!/usr/bin/env python3

import skimage.filters.rank
import skimage.morphology
import numpy as np
import cv2

# Load images as greyscale but make main RGB so we can annotate in colour
seg  = cv2.imread('segmented.png',cv2.IMREAD_GRAYSCALE)
main = cv2.imread('main.png',cv2.IMREAD_GRAYSCALE)
main = cv2.cvtColor(main,cv2.COLOR_GRAY2BGR)

# Create structuring element that defines the neighbourhood for morphology
selem = skimage.morphology.disk(1)

# Mask for edges of segment 1 and segment 2
# We are basically looking for pixels with value 1 in the segmented image within a radius of 1 pixel of a black pixel...
# ... then the same again but for pixels with a vaue of 2 in the segmented image within a radius of 1 pixel of a black pixel
seg1 = (skimage.filters.rank.minimum(seg,selem) == 0) & (skimage.filters.rank.maximum(seg, selem) == 1)
seg2 = (skimage.filters.rank.minimum(seg,selem) == 0) & (skimage.filters.rank.maximum(seg, selem) == 2)

main[seg1,:] = np.asarray([0, 0,   255]) # Make segment 1 pixels red in main image
main[seg2,:] = np.asarray([0, 255, 255]) # Make segment 2 pixels yellow in main image

# Save result

注意:JPEG 是有损的 - 不要将分割后的图像保存为 JPEG,请使用 PNG 或 GIF!

关键词: Python, PIL, Pillow, OpenCV, segmentation, segmented, labeled, image, image processing, edges, contours, skimage, ImageMagick, scikit-图像、形态、等级、等级过滤器、像素邻接。

如果 semi-transparent 分割蒙版要显示在图像顶部,skimage 有一个 built-in label2rgb() 函数,通过标签通道着色:


from skimage import io, color
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np

seg = np.zeros((256,256)) # create a matrix of zeroes of same size as image
seg[gt > 0.95] = 1   # Change zeroes to label "1" as per your condition(s)
seg[zz == 255] = 2   

io.imshow(color.label2rgb(seg,img,colors=[(255,0,0),(0,0,255)],alpha=0.01, bg_label=0, bg_color=None))

这些是快速的单行代码,可以自动为 category/class 整数值选择颜色并在原始图像上执行叠加。


from skimage import color
result_image = color.label2rgb(segmentation_results, input_image)


from skimage import segmentation
result_image = segmentation.mark_boundaries(input_image, segmentation_results, mode='thick')