Azure DevOps:找不到 WikiHttpClient 的 Wiki 页面

Azure DevOps: Wiki page with WikiHttpClient not found

我在 Azure DevOps 中创建了一个项目 wiki,并希望在我的 .NET 应用程序中获取 wiki 降价页面。当使用 link

Markdown 显示在浏览器中。当我尝试在代码中这样做时,我得到

"Wiki page ‘/News/_apis/connectionData’ could not be found. Ensure that the path of the page is correct and the page exists."


var url = new Uri("");
var personalAccessToken = "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx";
var credentials = new VssCredentials(new VssBasicCredential("", personalAccessToken));

using (var connection = new VssConnection(url, credentials))
    var wikiClient = connection.GetClient<WikiHttpClient>();
    var markdown = wikiClient.GetWikiAsync("").Result;

GetClient() 出现错误。



  1. 给连接的url应该是"project base path"
    private static string BasePath = $"{Organization}";
  2. 当您想使用 GetPageAsync(...) 方法时,您正在使用 GetWikiAsync(...) 方法


private readonly IVssCredentialsFactory _credentialsFactory;

private const string ApiVersion = "5.1";
private static string BasePath = $"{Organization}";
private const string Organization = "company";
private const string Project = "project";

public AzureRepository(IVssCredentialsFactory credentialsFactory)
    _credentialsFactory = credentialsFactory;

public void GetWikiPage()
    using (var connection = new VssConnection(new Uri(BasePath), _credentialsFactory.GetCredentials()))
        var wikiClient = connection.GetClient<WikiHttpClient>();
        var wikiId = "";
        var path = "/News";
        var page = wikiClient.GetPageAsync(Project, wikiId, path, includeContent : true).Result;
        var content = page.Page.Content;


  • IVssCredentialsFactory是我的创造,所以不要在库中寻找它
  • 工厂的注入是 PAT 或 oAuth 令牌,所以不要认为您在那里做错了什么。你不是。
  • 我希望很明显该方法没有对结果做任何事情,b/c让我们面对现实吧,它只是一个示例。


你应该看看c# client samples。它并不详尽,但会有所帮助。