HexRays - 什么是“__OFSUB__()”目的?

HexRays - what is "__OFSUB__()" purpose?

在以下使用 Ida pro 的 Hex rays 的反编译函数中:

int sub_409650()
  int v0; // ecx@1
  int result; // eax@1
  bool v2; // zf@1
  bool v3; // sf@1
  unsigned __int8 v4; // of@1
  unsigned __int16 v5; // cx@2
  unsigned int v6; // ecx@2

  v0 = gS1_dword_62EEA8 & 7;
  result = gS1_dword_62EEA8 - v0;
  v4 = __OFSUB__(gS1_dword_62EEA8 - v0, 16);
  v2 = gS1_dword_62EEA8 - v0 == 16;
  v3 = gS1_dword_62EEA8 - v0 - 16 < 0;
  gS1_dword_62EEA8 -= v0;
  gs2_dword_62EFB4 >>= v0;
  if ( (unsigned __int8)(v3 ^ v4) | v2 )
    v5 = *dword_62EFB0;
    v6 = (v5 << result) | gs2_dword_62EFB4;
    result += 16;
    gs2_dword_62EFB4 = v6;
    gS1_dword_62EEA8 = result;
  return result;

它调用 __OFSUB__ 但它有什么作用?我认为这与溢出有关 - 但如果那是真的那么为什么不是条件:

// Checking if subtracting v0 is 16 or negative?
if ( v3 | v2 )

更新:raw asm 是(现在重命名了一些东西):

.text:00409650 sub_409650 proc near      
.text:00409650                 mov     eax, gBitCounter_62EEA8
.text:00409655                 push    esi
.text:00409656                 mov     esi, gFirstAudioFrameDWORD_dword_62EFB4
.text:0040965C                 mov     ecx, eax
.text:0040965E                 and     ecx, 7
.text:00409661                 shr     esi, cl
.text:00409663                 sub     eax, ecx
.text:00409665                 cmp     eax, 10h
.text:00409668                 mov     gBitCounter_62EEA8, eax
.text:0040966D                 mov     gFirstAudioFrameDWORD_dword_62EFB4, esi
.text:00409673                 jg      short loc_4096A5
.text:00409675                 mov     edx, gAudioFrameDataPtr
.text:0040967B                 xor     ecx, ecx
.text:0040967D                 mov     cx, [edx]
.text:00409680                 add     edx, 2
.text:00409683                 mov     esi, ecx
.text:00409685                 mov     ecx, eax
.text:00409687                 shl     esi, cl
.text:00409689                 mov     ecx, gFirstAudioFrameDWORD_dword_62EFB4
.text:0040968F                 mov     gAudioFrameDataPtr, edx
.text:00409695                 or      ecx, esi
.text:00409697                 add     eax, 10h
.text:0040969A                 mov     gFirstAudioFrameDWORD_dword_62EFB4, ecx
.text:004096A0                 mov     gBitCounter_62EEA8, eax
.text:004096A5 loc_4096A5:                             ; CODE XREF: sub_409650+23j
.text:004096A5                 pop     esi
.text:004096A6                 retn
.text:004096A6 sub_409650 endp

没什么好说的。 HexRays 将此函数反编译为可读的东西做得很糟糕,但它没有出错。


mov     eax, gBitCounter_62EEA8                 ; eax = gBitCounter_62EEA8
push    esi
mov     esi, gFirstAudioFrameDWORD_dword_62EFB4 ; esi = gFirstAudioFrameDWORD_dword_62EFB4
mov     ecx, eax                                    
and     ecx, 7                              

; esi = gFirstAudioFrameDWORD_dword_62EFB4 >> (gBitCounter_62EEA8 & 7)  
; i.e, esi got shiftted by the 3 LSB's of gBitCounter_62EEA8
shr     esi, cl                                 

; eax = gBitCounter_62EEA8 - (gBitCounter_62EEA8 & 7)
sub     eax, ecx    

cmp     eax, 10h

; gBitCounter_62EEA8 -= gBitCounter_62EEA8 & 7
mov     gBitCounter_62EEA8, eax                 

; gFirstAudioFrameDWORD_dword_62EFB4 >>= gBitCounter_62EEA8 & 7
mov     gFirstAudioFrameDWORD_dword_62EFB4, esi 

; if gBitCounter_62EEA8 > 0x10 { return; }
jg      short loc_4096A5            

; else... continue work

loc_4096A5:                             ; CODE XREF: sub_409650+23j
pop     esi


gBitCounter_62EEA8 -= gBitCounter_62EEA8 & 7
gFirstAudioFrameDWORD_dword_62EFB4 >>= gBitCounter_62EEA8 & 7

if (gBitCounter_62EEA8 > 0x10)
    // rest of code

但是,您可能会注意到 HexRays 逆转了这种情况。它产生了这个条件:

if ( (unsigned __int8)(
    (gBitCounter_62EEA8 - 16 < 0)  ^ 
    (__OFSUB__(gBitCounter_62EEA8 - (gBitCounter_62EEA8 & 7), 16))) // when this is actually the gBitCounter_62EEA8 var before modifications
        (gBitCounter_62EEA8 == 16) )

根据 Intel's reference,如果 ZF = 0 and SF = OF.

则采用 jg


  • 或者 Counter == 16 - 意思是 ZF = 0 所以 jg 没有被采用
  • 或者Counter < 16 XOR __OFSUB__(gBitCounter_62EEA8 - (gBitCounter_62EEA8 & 7), 16),意思是:

    1. Counter < 16(我们称它为 A)- 意思是 SF=1
    2. __OFSUB__(gBitCounter_62EEA8 - (gBitCounter_62EEA8 & 7), 16)(假设是B)表示OF=1

    如果A=trueB=false表示SF=1,OF=0 => SF!=OF。如果A=falseB=true表示SF=0,OF=1 = > SF!=OF,表示如果A^BSF!=OF,表示如果A^B => jg not taken.


而且一般来说,如果jg不被取走,那么"rest of code"就会被执行。

我希望这有助于您理解 HexRays 的行为。它的反编译是正确的但非常多余(它没有清除它可以清除的大量垃圾)并且它无法预测确定条件的适当方法(它采用了更多 "difficult" 路径)