Error: configure: error: ln doesn't support --relative when building Systemd

Error: configure: error: ln doesn't support --relative when building Systemd

使用以下步骤在 CentOS 6.9 上安装 systemd 版本 221 时:

# wget
# tar -xJf systemd-221.tar.xz
# cd systemd-221
# ./configure

configure 失败,输出如下:

checking for sulogin... /sbin/sulogin
checking for mount... /bin/mount
checking for umount... /bin/umount
configure: error: *** ln doesn't support --relative ***

尽管我也安装了所有需要的 yum-devel。

# yum install gcc intltool gperf glib2-devel
# yum search xz-devel


checking for sulogin... /sbin/sulogin
checking for mount... /bin/mount
checking for umount... /bin/umount
configure: error: ln doesn't support --relative

CentOS 6 太旧了。其提供的Coreutils版本太旧

看起来像Coreutils has a fix for ln --relative dated 2014-03-13 via commit e52293aa7fcf. Also see ln.c历史:

ln: --relative: fix updating of existing symlinks

Don't dereference an existing symlink being replaced. I.E. generate the symlink relative to the symlink's containing dir, rather than to some arbitrary place it points to.

  • src/ln.c (convert_abs_rel): Don't consider the final component of the symlink name when canonicalizing, as we want to avoid dereferencing the final component.
  • tests/ln/ Add a test case.

Red Hat 因提供过时的软件而臭名昭著。这就是为什么尽可能避免使用 Red Hat 软件的原因。 Fedora 还可以,因为它总是最新的。但是Red Hat和CentOS是坑...