
Collapsing a tree to a string

我正在尝试使用 lex 和 yacc 在 Linux 上为一个大学项目构建一个编译器。

我想通过对树进行深度优先遍历,将包含 char*(其中一些可能为空)的树结构折叠为作为非空 char* 串联获得的字符串

    #include <string.h>
    #include <stdio.h>
    #include <stdlib.h>
    #define MAX_EXPR_LEN 512

    struct tnode {
            char *txt;
            struct tnode *child;
            struct tnode *next;

    int collapse_branch_rec (struct tnode *n, char **array, int size_left)
            if (!n)
                    return size_left;

            if (!size_left)
                    printf ("an expression is too long to be evaluated; "
                                    "split it into sub-expressions.");

            if (n->txt) {
                    array++ = n->txt; 

            size_left = collapse_branch_rec (n->child, array, --size_left);
            return collapse_branch_rec (n->next, array, --size_left);

    void collapse_branch (struct tnode* root, char *string)
            char **array = malloc (MAX_EXPR_LEN);
            collapse_branch_rec (root, array, MAX_EXPR_LEN);

            char **p = array;
            int len;
            while (p)
                    len += strlen (*p++);

            p = array;
            char str[len+1];
            while (p)
                    strcat (str, *p++);

            string = str;

    struct tnode *getnode(char *txt)
            struct tnode *n = malloc (sizeof (struct tnode));

            if (txt)
                    n->txt = strdup (txt);

            return n;

    int main()
            char **buffer = malloc (MAX_EXPR_LEN);
            struct tnode *a, *b, *c, *d;
            a = getnode ("(");
            b = getnode (NULL);
            c = getnode (")");
            d = getnode ("5");
            b->child = a;
            a->next = d;
            d->next = c;

            char *string;
            collapse_branch (b, string);
            printf ("the result is %s", string);

            return 0;


new.c: In function ‘collapse_branch_rec’:
new.c:36:33: error: lvalue required as left operand of assignment
                     array++ = n->txt;


编辑:即使我修复了指针取消引用,我仍然在 libc 中遇到分段错误:

Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
0x00007ffff7ab9b2a in strlen () from /usr/lib/libc.so.6

假设 array 指向一个有效的 char 指针数组,您可能打算取消引用该指针,以访问 char 指针并将 n->txt 分配给它。

if (n->txt)
    *array = n->txt;
    array++ ;

2501 的回答有效。您所做的不起作用的原因是因为 array++ 不再引用数组的内存位置,它只是一个数字。例如,您尝试执行 (x=3+6) =y 这也不起作用,因为 (x=3+6) 不是指变量 x 它只是整数值 9

if (n->txt) { 
  *array = n->txt; 