thrust::raw_pointer_cast 和多个 GPU,奇怪的行为

thrust::raw_pointer_cast and multiple GPU, weird behaviour

我在我的代码中经常使用 thrust,因为它是一个很棒的包装器并提供了非常有用的实用程序,因为添加了对异步行为的支持,我更加确信。

在我最近尝试在我的应用程序中添加多 GPU 支持之前,我的代码使用 cuda 推力运行良好。 我经历了烦人的事

CUDA Runtime API error 77 : an illegal memory access was encountered


我在我的代码中添加了冗长的代码,看起来我的 thrust::device_vector 指针地址在执行过程中发生了变化,没有明显的原因,在手写内核中生成了错误 77。

我可能误解了 UVA 概念及其最终结果 "side effects",但是,我仍然有兴趣了解导致指针更新的过程。

我无法准确重现我的问题,其中我没有使用临时主机变量来存储 cuda 内存指针,而是仅在内核包装器调用需要时即时 thrust::raw_pointer_cast。

但我已经编写了一个小程序来显示我可能遇到的错误类型,请注意,这并不可靠,您的系统上至少需要 2 个 gpu 才能 运行 它:

** Compile using nvcc ./ -gencode arch=compute_35,code=sm_35 -std=c++11 -o test.exe **

//Standard Library
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>

#include "cuda_runtime.h"

#include <thrust/device_vector.h>
#include <thrust/functional.h>
#include <thrust/transform.h>

inline void __checkCudaErrors( cudaError err, const char *file, const int line )
    if( err != cudaSuccess )
        printf("%s(%i) : CUDA Runtime API error %i : %s \n",file ,line, (int)err, cudaGetErrorString(err) );

#define checkCudaErrors(err)    __checkCudaErrors (err, __FILE__, __LINE__)

__global__ void write_memory( float* buf, float value )
    printf("GPU TALK: Raw pointer is %p \n",buf);
    buf[0] = value;

int main( int argc, char* argv[] )
    //declare a vector of vector
    std::vector<thrust::device_vector<float> > v;
    float test;
    float* tmp;

    //Initialize first vector on GPU 0
    cudaSetDevice( 0 );
    v.emplace_back( 65536, 1.0f );
    tmp = thrust::raw_pointer_cast( );
    std::cout << " Host TALK: Raw pointer of vector 0 at step 0 " << (void*)tmp << std::endl;

    //Try to use it raw pointer
    write_memory<<<1,1,0,0>>>( tmp, 2.0f );
    checkCudaErrors( cudaStreamSynchronize( NULL ) );
    test =[0];
    std::cout << " Host TALK: After first kernel launch, value is " << test << std::endl;

    //Initialize second vector on GPU 1, but we do not use it
    cudaSetDevice( 1 );
    v.emplace_back( 65536, 1.0f );
    std::cout << " Host TALK: Raw pointer of vector 0 at step 1 is now " << (void*)thrust::raw_pointer_cast( ) << " != " << (void*)tmp << std::endl;
    std::cout << " Host TALK: Raw pointer of vector 1 at step 1 is " << (void*)thrust::raw_pointer_cast( ) << std::endl; 

    //Try to use the first vector : No segmentation fault ?
    test =[0];
    std::cout << " Host TALK: Before second kernel launch, value is " << test << std::endl;
    write_memory<<<1,1,0,0>>>( thrust::raw_pointer_cast( ), 3.0f );
    checkCudaErrors( cudaStreamSynchronize( NULL ) );
    test =[0];
    std::cout << " Host TALK: After second kernel launch, value is " << test << std::endl;

    //Raw pointer stored elsewhere: generates a segmentation fault
    write_memory<<<1,1,0,0>>>( tmp, 4.0f );
    checkCudaErrors( cudaStreamSynchronize( NULL ) );
    test =[0];
    std::cout << " Host TALK: After third kernel launch, value is " << test << std::endl;

    return 0;


主机对话:第 0 步向量 0 的原始指针 0xb043c0000
GPU 对话:原始指针是 0xb043c0000
Host TALK:第一次内核启动后,值为 2
主机对话:第 1 步向量 0 的原始指针现在是 0xb08000000 != 0xb043c0000
主机谈话:第 1 步向量 1 的原始指针是 0xb07fc0000
Host TALK:在第二次内核启动之前,值为 2
GPU 对话:原始指针是 0xb08000000
Host TALK:第二次内核启动后,值为 3
GPU 对话:原始指针是 0xb043c0000
./ 运行时 API 错误 77:遇到非法内存访问 在抛出 'thrust::system::system_error' what() 的实例后终止调用:遇到非法内存访问

在此先感谢您的帮助,我也可能会在 thrust 上问这个问题 github。

编辑: 感谢 m.s 和 Hiura,这是一个按预期工作的代码:

** Compile using nvcc ./ -gencode arch=compute_35,code=sm_35 -std=c++11 -o test.exe **

//Standard Library
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>

#include "cuda_runtime.h"

#include <thrust/device_vector.h>
#include <thrust/functional.h>
#include <thrust/transform.h>

inline void __checkCudaErrors( cudaError err, const char *file, const int line )
    if( err != cudaSuccess )
        printf("%s(%i) : CUDA Runtime API error %i : %s \n",file ,line, (int)err, cudaGetErrorString(err) );

#define checkCudaErrors(err)    __checkCudaErrors (err, __FILE__, __LINE__)

__global__ void write_memory( float* buf, float value )
    printf("GPU TALK: Raw pointer is %p \n",buf);
    buf[0] = value;

int main( int argc, char* argv[] )
    //declare a vector of vector
    std::vector<thrust::device_vector<float> > v;
    float test;
    float* tmp;

    //Initialize first vector on GPU 0
    cudaSetDevice( 0 );
    v.emplace_back( 65536, 1.0f );
    tmp = thrust::raw_pointer_cast( );
    std::cout << " Host TALK: Raw pointer of vector 0 at step 0 " << (void*)tmp << std::endl;

    //Try to use it raw pointer
    write_memory<<<1,1,0,0>>>( tmp, 2.0f );
    checkCudaErrors( cudaStreamSynchronize( NULL ) );
    test =[0];
    std::cout << " Host TALK: After first kernel launch, value is " << test << std::endl;

    //Initialize second vector on GPU 1, but we do not use it
    cudaSetDevice( 1 );
    v.emplace_back( 65536, 1.0f );
    std::cout << " Host TALK: Raw pointer of vector 0 at step 1 is now " << (void*)thrust::raw_pointer_cast( ) << " != " << (void*)tmp << std::endl;
    std::cout << " Host TALK: Raw pointer of vector 1 at step 1 is " << (void*)thrust::raw_pointer_cast( ) << std::endl; 

    //Try to use the first vector : No segmentation fault ?
    cudaSetDevice( 0 );
    test =[0];
    std::cout << " Host TALK: Before second kernel launch, value is " << test << std::endl;
    write_memory<<<1,1,0,0>>>( thrust::raw_pointer_cast( ), 3.0f );
    checkCudaErrors( cudaStreamSynchronize( NULL ) );
    test =[0];
    std::cout << " Host TALK: After second kernel launch, value is " << test << std::endl;

    //Raw pointer stored elsewhere: generates a segmentation fault
    write_memory<<<1,1,0,0>>>( tmp, 4.0f );
    checkCudaErrors( cudaStreamSynchronize( NULL ) );
    test =[0];
    std::cout << " Host TALK: After third kernel launch, value is " << test << std::endl;

    return 0;

这是我代码中最后一个地方,为了简单起见,我没有使用指向对象的指针向量而不是对象向量,但我发现我应该避免这些恼人的 move/copy 问题...


主机对话:第 0 步向量 0 的原始指针 0xb043c0000
GPU 对话:原始指针是 0xb043c0000
Host TALK:第一次内核启动后,值为 2
主机对话:第 1 步向量 0 的原始指针现在是 0xb043c0000 != xb043c0000
主机谈话:第 1 步向量 1 的原始指针是 0xb07fc0000
Host TALK:在第二次内核启动之前,值为 2
GPU 对话:原始指针是 0xb043c0000
Host TALK:第二次内核启动后,值为 3
GPU 对话:原始指针是 0xb043c0000
主持人谈话:第三次内核启动后,值为 4

所以我快速安装了 CUDA 来验证我的假设:添加 reserve 语句保留地址。

//declare a vector of vector
std::vector<thrust::device_vector<float> > v;
v.reserve(2); // <<-- HERE
float test;
float* tmp;


 $ nvcc  -std=c++11 -o test
 $ ./test 
  Host TALK: Raw pointer of vector 0 at step 0 0x700ca0000
 GPU TALK: Raw pointer is 0x700ca0000 
  Host TALK: After first kernel launch, value is 2
  Host TALK: Raw pointer of vector 0 at step 1 is now 0x700d20000 != 0x700ca0000
  Host TALK: Raw pointer of vector 1 at step 1 is 0x700ce0000
  Host TALK: Before second kernel launch, value is 2
 GPU TALK: Raw pointer is 0x700d20000 
  Host TALK: After second kernel launch, value is 3
 GPU TALK: Raw pointer is 0x700ca0000 
  Host TALK: After third kernel launch, value is 3


 $ nvcc  -std=c++11 -o test
 $ ./test 
  Host TALK: Raw pointer of vector 0 at step 0 0x700ca0000
 GPU TALK: Raw pointer is 0x700ca0000 
  Host TALK: After first kernel launch, value is 2
  Host TALK: Raw pointer of vector 0 at step 1 is now 0x700ca0000 != 0x700ca0000
  Host TALK: Raw pointer of vector 1 at step 1 is 0x700ce0000
  Host TALK: Before second kernel launch, value is 2
 GPU TALK: Raw pointer is 0x700ca0000 
  Host TALK: After second kernel launch, value is 3
 GPU TALK: Raw pointer is 0x700ca0000 
  Host TALK: After third kernel launch, value is 4