
Would solace topic be created only if it has an active subscriber?

我不是 Solace 方面的专家,如果我的问题很简单,我深表歉意。

我继承了一个代码库,我希望了解更多。它使用安慰来进行消息传递。我看到应用程序向主题发布消息。 当我在安慰中查找此主题时 UI 我没有在 VPN 下看到该主题。

  1. 是否只有在有活跃订阅者的情况下才会创建安慰主题?
  2. 我检查了我的应用程序日志,他们不会因为缺少主题而出错?如果第 1 点为真,我的应用程序会在主题尚未创建时尝试发送消息以示安慰。
  3. 我正在使用 SolAdmin,有什么方法可以让我在没有活跃订阅者的情况下看到我的主题?这有关系吗?



Think of a topic as a concept of the publish-subscribe (pub/sub) architectural pattern. They are used to route data or events (in the form of messages) between distributed applications, often using a message broker or an event broker.

Solace 对 https://solace.com/blog/solace-topics-vs-kafka-topics/ 上的主题如何运作有非常详细的描述。 请注意主题与主题端点不同。

Would topics in solace be created only if there are active subscribers?



I checked the logs of my application and they don't error out for the absence of the topic? What happens in case point 1 is true, and my application tries to send a message to solace when the topic hasnt been created.


当主题没有订阅者时,消息将被丢弃,"no subscription match" 统计信息和日志将增加。

如果发布者发送有保证的消息,您可以在其客户端配置文件上启用 "Reject Msg To Sender On No Subscription Match" 标志,以便在发生这种情况时接收否定确认。

I am using SolAdmin, is there way I can see my topic even if it does not have an active subscriber? Should that matter?

转到 "Logging & Diagnostics" 选项卡和 select "No Subscription Match Logs" 视图查看最近因没有订阅者而被丢弃的消息。