transfer and delete file in puppet
我正在尝试将文件从 Puppet Master 复制到 Puppet Agent。使用它进行安装。然后删除文件。我已经测试了脚本,直到安装部分,它工作正常。唯一的问题是删除文件时。添加几行后,出现此错误。
Error: Failed to apply catalog: Duplicate declaration: File[/home/mypackage-4.4.0.rpm] is already declared in file /etc/puppet/manifests/site.pp:23; cannot redeclare at /etc/puppet/manifests/site.pp:31
class mypackage {
$version = '4.6.0'
if $::operatingsystem == 'CentOS' {
exec { "mypackage-uninstall":
path => ['/usr/bin','/usr/sbin/','/bin','/sbin'],
command => "/bin/rpm -e mypackage",
file { "mypackage-${version}.rpm":
path =>"/home/mypackage-${version}.rpm",
source => "puppet:///modules/mypackage-${version}.rpm"
exec { "mypackage-install":
path => ['/usr/bin','/usr/sbin','/bin','/sbin'],
command => "/bin/rpm -ivh /home/mypackage-${version}.rpm",
require => file["/home/mypackage-${version}.rpm"],
#this is the part that i add to delete back what has been copied to the agent
file { "mypackage-${version}.rpm":
path => /home/mypackage-${version}.rpm",
ensure => absent,
我尝试将声明更改为 file {"mypackage-remove":
我使用的是 CentOS 6.0。我的人偶大师和代理都是3.7.5.
在 Puppet 中,您定义资源的期望状态。
Puppet is a configuration management solution that allows you to define the state of your IT infrastructure, and then automatically enforces the desired state.
所以有一段时间没有文件存在,然后它神奇地消失了。如果您将 file
资源用于 download/copy 文件,则无法通过 file
资源将其删除。要删除它,请使用 exec
exec { "remove file":
path => ['/usr/bin','/usr/sbin','/bin','/sbin'],
command => "rm /home/mypackage-${version}.rpm",
require => File["/home/mypackage-${version}.rpm"],
当您创建时ordering relationships, you use resource references。所以不是:
require => file["/home/mypackage-${version}.rpm"]
require => File["/home/mypackage-${version}.rpm"]
You can make resources different across instances by making their titles and names/namevars include the value of $title or another parameter.
因为 file resource, path 属性是一个 namevar。这意味着它也必须是独一无二的。只更改文件名,不更改路径,仍然会导致 Duplicate declaration
我正在尝试将文件从 Puppet Master 复制到 Puppet Agent。使用它进行安装。然后删除文件。我已经测试了脚本,直到安装部分,它工作正常。唯一的问题是删除文件时。添加几行后,出现此错误。
Error: Failed to apply catalog: Duplicate declaration: File[/home/mypackage-4.4.0.rpm] is already declared in file /etc/puppet/manifests/site.pp:23; cannot redeclare at /etc/puppet/manifests/site.pp:31
class mypackage {
$version = '4.6.0'
if $::operatingsystem == 'CentOS' {
exec { "mypackage-uninstall":
path => ['/usr/bin','/usr/sbin/','/bin','/sbin'],
command => "/bin/rpm -e mypackage",
file { "mypackage-${version}.rpm":
path =>"/home/mypackage-${version}.rpm",
source => "puppet:///modules/mypackage-${version}.rpm"
exec { "mypackage-install":
path => ['/usr/bin','/usr/sbin','/bin','/sbin'],
command => "/bin/rpm -ivh /home/mypackage-${version}.rpm",
require => file["/home/mypackage-${version}.rpm"],
#this is the part that i add to delete back what has been copied to the agent
file { "mypackage-${version}.rpm":
path => /home/mypackage-${version}.rpm",
ensure => absent,
我尝试将声明更改为 file {"mypackage-remove":
我使用的是 CentOS 6.0。我的人偶大师和代理都是3.7.5.
在 Puppet 中,您定义资源的期望状态。
Puppet is a configuration management solution that allows you to define the state of your IT infrastructure, and then automatically enforces the desired state.
所以有一段时间没有文件存在,然后它神奇地消失了。如果您将 file
资源用于 download/copy 文件,则无法通过 file
资源将其删除。要删除它,请使用 exec
exec { "remove file":
path => ['/usr/bin','/usr/sbin','/bin','/sbin'],
command => "rm /home/mypackage-${version}.rpm",
require => File["/home/mypackage-${version}.rpm"],
更新: 有几点值得一提:
当您创建时ordering relationships, you use resource references。所以不是:
require => file["/home/mypackage-${version}.rpm"]
require => File["/home/mypackage-${version}.rpm"]
资源,但每个资源必须是unique.You can make resources different across instances by making their titles and names/namevars include the value of $title or another parameter.
因为 file resource, path 属性是一个 namevar。这意味着它也必须是独一无二的。只更改文件名,不更改路径,仍然会导致
Duplicate declaration