
How to fix request is missing required input tag

我正在尝试从用户的 ebay 帐户获取一些产品,但是当我 运行 我的代码时,我只收到错误 "Your application encountered an error. This request is missing required input tag " 或“。”


function print_d($array){    echo "<pre>\n";    print_r($array);    echo "</pre>\n";}

$mytoken = "************mytoken************";
$devId   = "************mydevId************";
$appId   = "************myappId************";
$certId  = "************mycertId************";

$wsdl_url = 'http://developer.ebay.com/webservices/latest/ebaySvc.wsdl';

$apiCall = "GetSellerList";

$credentials = array('AppId' => $appId, 'DevID' => $devId, 'AuthCert' => $certId);

$client = new SOAPClient($wsdl_url, array('trace' => 1, 'exceptions' => 0, 'location' => "https://api.ebay.com/wsapi?callname=$apiCall&appid=$appId&siteid=0&version=803&Routing=new"));

$eBayAuth = array('eBayAuthToken' => new SoapVar($mytoken, XSD_STRING, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'urn:ebay:apis:eBLBaseComponents'),
                    'Credentials' => new SoapVar ($credentials, SOAP_ENC_OBJECT, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'urn:ebay:apis:eBLBaseComponents'));  

$header_body = new SoapVar($eBayAuth, SOAP_ENC_OBJECT);    

$header = array(new SOAPHeader('urn:ebay:apis:eBLBaseComponents', 'RequesterCredentials', $header_body));                

//set the API call parameters

$params = array('UserID'=>'**sellerid**','DetailLevel'=>'ReturnAll','WarningLevel'=>'High','IncludeWatchCount'=>'true','Pagination'=>array('EntriesPerPage'=>'20','PageNumber'=>'1'),'Version' => '803', 'CreateTimeFrom'=>'2019-07-01T01:01:02.768Z', 'CreateTimeTo'=>'2019-08-22T01:01:02.768Z');  

$request = $client->__soapCall($apiCall, array($params), NULL, $header);  //make the actual API call




stdClass Object
    [Timestamp] => 2019-08-23T05:54:30.954Z
    [Ack] => Failure
    [Errors] => stdClass Object
            [ShortMessage] => Your application encountered an error.
            [LongMessage] => Your application encountered an error. This request is missing required input tag " or ".
            [ErrorCode] => 34
            [SeverityCode] => Error
            [ErrorParameters] => stdClass Object
                    [Value] =>  or 
                    [ParamID] => 0

            [ErrorClassification] => RequestError

    [Version] => 1119
    [Build] => E1119_CORE_APISELLING_19039141_R1

谢谢我只使用邮递员,我发现 StartTimeFrom 和 StartTimeTo 是缺少的那个

我在德语中遇到了同样的错误 Your application encountered an error. This request is missing required input tag ""In der Anwendung ist ein Fehler aufgetreten. In dieser Anforderung fehlt der erforderliche Eingabetag ""

首先,如果您在浏览器中发出请求(99% 确定),您必须查看 浏览器源代码 HTML 代码 (CTRL+U),有一个标签信息将显示隐藏在“漂亮”的浏览器视图中。

在我的例子中,我错过了 eBay developer API AddItem method Item.PrimaryCategory.CategoryID tag,这在文档中不是必需的,但在实际中是必需的。