Scala Reactive Extensions Observable 应用方法

Scala Reactive Extensions Observable apply Method

来自 API scala 中 Rx Observable 的文档:

有两种应用方法,一种接受订阅者,另一种接受观察者。除了采用不同类型来订阅 Observable 之外,这两个 apply 方法之间有什么区别?

来自Subscriber's documentation

abstract class Subscriber[-T] extends Observer[T] with Subscription

An extension of the Observer trait which adds subscription handling (unsubscribe, isUnsubscribed, and add methods) and backpressure handling (onStart and request methods).

所以我们可以假设 Observer's apply is more general binding which could take some proxied or self-defined observers and implements the observer pattern, while Subscriber's apply 是更有效的内部绑定。

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