UWP 平铺图像拉伸和填充

UWP Tile Image Stretch and Fill



我的最后一个问题是,虽然我已经在代码中实现了它,但是当我右键单击图块以调整其大小时,TileLarge 并没有作为一个选项出现。


    public static void UpdateTile(Music music)
        string uri = Thumbnail.Path;
        var tileContent = new TileContent()
            Visual = new TileVisual()
                TileMedium = new TileBinding()
                    Branding = TileBranding.None,
                    Content = new TileBindingContentAdaptive()
                        Children =
                            new AdaptiveImage() { Source = uri },
                TileWide = new TileBinding()
                    Branding = TileBranding.None,
                    Content = new TileBindingContentAdaptive()
                        Children =
                            new AdaptiveImage()
                                Source = uri
                            new AdaptiveText()
                                Text = music.Name,
                                HintStyle = AdaptiveTextStyle.Title
                TileLarge = new TileBinding()
                    Branding = TileBranding.None,
                    Content = new TileBindingContentAdaptive()
                        Children =
                            new AdaptiveImage()
                                Source = uri
                            new AdaptiveGroup()
                                Children =
                                    new AdaptiveSubgroup()
                                        Children =
                                            new AdaptiveText()
                                                Text = music.Name,
                                                HintStyle = AdaptiveTextStyle.Caption
                                            new AdaptiveText()
                                                Text = music.Artist,
                                                HintStyle = AdaptiveTextStyle.CaptionSubtle

        // Create the tile notification
        var tileNotification = new TileNotification(tileContent.GetXml());

        // And send the notification to the primary tile


Q1:Image problem

如果要填充图块,可以将图像设置为 BackgroundImage 而不是 AdaptiveImage。

Q2:Show text at the left bottom in TileMedium.


TileMedium = new TileBinding()
    DisplayName = music.Name,
    Branding = TileBranding.Name,
    Content = new TileBindingContentAdaptive()
        BackgroundImage = new TileBackgroundImage()
            Source = uri
        Children =


转到 Package.appxmanifest->视觉资产->大图块。Select 显示设置中的大图块选项。