为什么 fluent-plugin-application-insights 设置为 [UNSUPPORTED]?

Why is fluent-plugin-application-insights set to [UNSUPPORTED]?

我们正在考虑使用 fluent 将 Microsoft azure VM 上的应用程序 运行 输出的日志传输和管理到 Microsoft azure application insights。

但是,public fluent application-insights 插件是 "unsupported"。



不推荐使用fluent 传输应用程序见解的方法吗?

这是与作者联系后的一些信息Yanming Tang:

Because we are not actively supporting that. App Insights team is recently having a cleaning up process to mark inactive projects as unsupported.

And he also suggests that: you can still use it as a starting point, and can make whatever change you like, but they won't work on feature requests.