如何在 Web 浏览器 (HTML) 中显示对话框列表,以便用户可以 select Lotus Notes 通讯簿中的信息

How can I display dialog list in web browser (HTML) so that user can select information from Address Book in Lotus Notes

在此之前我问了一个问题here如何通过网络浏览器显示地址簿。然后,我找到了一个Agent,可以运行 找到Address Book 中的所有信息。但我现在的问题是,我不知道如何显示对话框列表以便用户可以选择任何信息。


books = s.AddressBooks
foundflag = False
ForAll b In books
    If b.FileName="names.nsf" Then
        Call b.Open( "", "" )
        Set view = b.GetView( "People" )
        Call view.Refresh
        foundflag = True
        Exit ForAll
    End If
End ForAll

If Not foundflag Then
    returnVal = "NSF file not found."
    GoTo endp
End If

count = 0
Set tmpdoc = view.GetFirstDocument
Do While Not tmpdoc Is Nothing
    If tmpdoc.MailFile(0) <> "" _
    And tmpdoc.MailAddress(0) = "" _
    And tmpdoc.InternetAddress(0)<>"" Then
        count = count + 1
        tmpstr = tmpdoc.LastName(0)
        If tmpstr="" Then tmpstr = tmpdoc.FirstName(0)
        tmplist(count) = tmpstr & "|@|" & tmpdoc.InternetAddress(0)
    End If
    Set tmpdoc = view.GetNextDocument(tmpdoc)

If count=0 Then
    returnVal = "No employee were found"
    GoTo endp
End If

我的 jQuery 可以调用此代理,但我不知道如何在 HTML 中显示列表。我的 jQuery 如下:

    function(data, status) {
        var arr = JSON.parse(data);
        if (arr.status == "success") {
            $(arr.items).each(function(i, item) {
                $("#PUserID").append('<option value="' + item.mail + '">' + item.name + ' (' + item.mail + ')</option>');
        } else {
    .fail(function(xhr, status, error) {
        console.log("ERROR - " + xhr + " - " + status + " - " + error);


如果您问 "How do I get information back from an agent to jQuery",答案就是 PRINT 语句。我在使用地址簿时遇到错误,所以我硬编码了 public 地址簿的名称。但是这个片段将 return 一个 JSON 对象。当然,您需要声明适当的变量并相应地设置服务器名称。

Set db = s.getDatabase("server/document","names.nsf",False)
If db Is nothing Then
    print "ERROR: Names.nsf not found</br>"
    exit sub
End If
Set view=db.getView("People")
Set tmpdoc = view.GetFirstDocument
Do While Not tmpdoc Is Nothing
    If tmpdoc.MailFile(0) <> "" _
    And tmpdoc.MailAddress(0) = "" _
    And tmpdoc.InternetAddress(0)<>"" Then
        tmpStr = ToJSON(tmpdoc)
        Print tmpStr + "<br />"
    End If
    Set tmpdoc = view.GetNextDocument(tmpdoc)


{"value": "CN=John Doe/O=ACME", "text": "john.doe@acme.com"}
{"value": "CN=Jane Smith/O=ACME", "text": "jane.smith@acme.com"}

今晚早些时候我正在做类似的事情。但我的方法有些不同。在我的例子中,我在下拉字段中使用插件 Select2,用户可以从列表中选择一个人。

// Initialize Select2 dropdown
  allowClear: true,
  theme: 'bootstrap',
  width: '100%',
  minimumResultsForSearch: 20,
  minimumInputLength: 3,
  delay: 450,
  ajax: {
    url: "/agents/getContactList.json?OpenAgent",
    dataType: "json",
    data: function(params) {
      var query = {
        term: params.term
      return query;
<div class="form-group">
  <label for="selectContact">Contact Name</label>
  <select id="selectContact" class="form-control input-sm dominoDropdown" data-placeholder="">
    <option value=""></option>

Select2 下拉列表是通过 Ajax 调用 Lotusscript 代理来填充的,returns 所有名称都部分匹配下拉列表中输入的内容。您当然也可以预先加载所有数据,但根据 NAB 中文档的数量,速度可能会很慢。

下面是 Lotusscript 代理的代码。它使用我自己的 类 进行 URL 查询字符串解析和 JSON 生成,但在 Domino 10 中你有 类 内置。通过删除我正在使用的一些额外选项,我在一定程度上简化了代码。

Option Public
Option Declare

Use "Class.JSON"
Use "Class.URL"

Sub Initialize
    '--- Local Notes classes used in agent
    Dim session As New NotesSession
    Dim db As NotesDatabase
    Dim col As NotesViewEntryCollection
    Dim view As NotesView
    Dim columns As Variant 
    Dim column As NotesViewColumn
    Dim entry As NotesViewEntry
    '--- Custom classes
    Dim json As JSONData
    Dim url As New URLData()
    '--- Local variables
    Dim jsontxt As String
    Dim i As Integer
    Dim value As String
    Dim filtervalue As String
    Dim id As String
    Dim options As String
    Dim lookupview As String
    Dim query As String  
    '*** Get document
    Set db = session.CurrentDatabase
    lookupview = "(lookup_Contacts)"
    Set view = db.GetView(lookupview)
    If view Is Nothing Then
        MsgBox "Contact view not found"
        Exit Sub 
    End If
    Call view.Refresh()
    jsontxt = "[ "
    '*** Get all entries in view
    Set col = view.AllEntries()
    '*** Reduce the collection using a full-text search
    query = |[LastName] CONTAINS *| & url.GetValue("term") & |* OR [FirstName] CONTAINS *| & url.GetValue("term") & |*|
    Call col.FTSearch(query,0)

    If col Is Nothing Then
        MsgBox "col is nothing!"
        Exit Sub 
    End If
    '*** Loop through view entries and build the JSON to return
    Set entry = col.GetFirstEntry()
    Do Until entry Is Nothing
        value = CStr(entry.ColumnValues(3)) ' Name to display
        If InStr(LCase(value),LCase(filtervalue))>0 Then
            id = CStr(entry.ColumnValues(2))    ' UNID
            Set json = New JSONdata()
            Call json.NoStatus()
            Call json.SetValue("id", id)
            Call json.SetValue("text", value)
            jsontxt = jsontxt + json.GetJSON() + ","
        End If
        Set entry = col.GetNextEntry(entry)

    '*** Remove trailing comma 
    If Len(jsontxt)>4 Then
        jsontxt = Left$(jsontxt, Len(jsontxt)-1)
    End If
    jsontxt = jsontxt + " ]"
    '*** MIME Header to tell browser what kind of data we will return (Javascript).
    '*** See http://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc4329.txt
    Print "content-type: application/javascript; charset=utf-8"
    Print |{ "results": |+jsontxt+| }|
End Sub


2019-09-03 更新:代理查找所用视图的屏幕截图
