我如何使用 Haskell 中的解析器来查找字符串中某些子字符串的位置?

How can I use a parser in Haskell to find the locations of some substrings in a string?

我对 Haskell 很陌生。我希望能够在字符串中找到一些颜色表达式。假设我有这个表达式列表:

colorWords = ["blue", "green", "blue green"]


First there was blue     
and then there was Green,     
and then blue    
green all of a sudden, and not to mention blue-green

它应该给出 "blue"(第一行)、"green"(第二行)、"blue green"(第 3-4 行)和 "blue-green" 的字符偏移量(第 4 行),类似于:

[("blue", [20]), ("green", [40]), ("blue green", [50, 65])]


import Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec

separator = spaces <|> "-" <|> "\n"

colorExp colorString = if (length (words colorString))>1 then 
  multiWordColorExp colorString
  else colorString

multiWordColorExp :: Parser -> String
multiWordColorExp colorString = do
  intercalate separator (words colorString)


我们可以使用 sepCap combinator from replace-megaparsec.


这是您的示例问题的解决方案。需要软件包 megaparsec, replace-megaparsec, containers。 参考: string' choice getOffset try 来自百万秒差距。

import Replace.Megaparsec
import Text.Megaparsec
import Text.Megaparsec.Char
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Either
import Data.Map.Strict as Map

let colorWords :: Parsec Void String (String, [Int])
    colorWords = do
            i <- getOffset
            c <- choice
                [ try $ string' "blue" >>
                        anySingle >>
                        string' "green" >>
                        pure "blue green"
                , try $ string' "blue" >> pure "blue"
                , try $ string' "green" >> pure "green"
            return (c,[i])

input = "First there was blue\nand then there was Green,\nand then blue\ngreen all of a sudden, and not to mention blue-green"

Map.toList $ Map.fromListWith mappend $ rights $ fromJust
    $ parseMaybe (sepCap colorWords) input
[("blue",[16]),("blue green",[103,56]),("green",[40])]