
Video width on mobile

我在 Elementor 插件的背景部分添加了视频。在桌面上它可以缩放并完美运行,但在移动设备上视频被裁剪并且不适合屏幕。

我尝试在 chrome 控制台中设置一些值,例如 max-width: 100%;宽度:自动;宽度:适合内容;以及我在 google 中找到的其他一些技巧(我仍在学习 css)

我想那是 CSS 的一部分,我应该在其中设置宽度,但它不起作用。

@media (max-width: 767px)
.elementor-15 .elementor-element.elementor-element-1e70f52 {
    padding: 50px 30px 50px 30px;




/* Extra small devices (phones, 600px and down) */
@media only screen and (max-width: 600px) {  

  /* Your CSS Code for this device size */    


 /* Small devices (portrait tablets and large phones, 600px and up) */
 @media only screen and (min-width: 600px) {  

   /* Your CSS Code for this device size */    


 /* Medium devices (landscape tablets, 768px and up) */
 @media only screen and (min-width: 768px) {  

   /* Your CSS Code for this device size */    


 /* Large devices (laptops/desktops, 992px and up) */
 @media only screen and (min-width: 992px) {  

  /* Your CSS Code for this device size */    


 /* Extra large devices (large laptops and desktops, 1200px and up) */
 @media only screen and (min-width: 1200px) {

  /* Your CSS Code for this device size */ 


 /* According to Mobile Orientation */
 @media only screen and (orientation: landscape) {   

    /* Your CSS Code for this device orientation */    

