Google 珊瑚闪光(第一次)冻结在 "Rebooting into bootloader"

Google Coral flashing (for first time) frozen at "Rebooting into bootloader"

我一直在关注 "Get started with the dev board" 页面,目前正在使用 mac 作为我的主机第一次刷新我的 Coral。

我的屏幕终端显示 "request [####] was not queued to eplin-bulk,",我的 fastboot 终端显示清除输入和输出管道的错误,目前正在重新启动进入引导加载程序。就这样卡住了30多分钟。

作为参考,我对设置的其他部分使用了 () instructions to download fastboot, and ( 说明。

这是 fastboot 终端的输出:

Sending 'bootloader0' (1006 KB)                    OKAY [  0.048s]

Writing 'bootloader0'                              OKAY [  0.190s]

Finished. Total time: 0.264s

Rebooting into bootloader                          OKAY [  0.024s]

Finished. Total time: 0.024s

Sending 'gpt' (33 KB)                              OKAY [  0.018s]

Writing 'gpt'                                      OKAY [  0.309s]

Finished. Total time: 0.346s

ERROR: could not clear input pipe; result e00002ed, ignoring...

ERROR: could not clear output pipe; result e0004051, ignoring....

Rebooting into bootloader



在 脚本中,查找重启后的睡眠。它们在第 74 和 79 行。我将它们改为休眠 10 秒,一切顺利。