
Need help creating rollup field for aggregating child records' Gross Profit values on Parent record


但是,我 运行 遇到了一些问题:

  1. 父级机会也包括 "Est. Gross Profit",如果用户在父级记录中填写此字段,它会显示在我的 "Parent Est. Gross Profit" 汇总字段中。我只希望子机会记录包含在 "Parent Est. Gross Profit".
  2. 的总和中
  3. 我注意到汇总字段需要很长时间才能更新...甚至可能需要几个小时。有没有办法避免这种情况?



  1. 确保您在 Rollup 查询定义中使用了正确的关系 - new_opportunity_childopportunities

  1. 汇总计算作业是具有默认计划的异步作业。 Read more

您可以修改系统作业最小 1 小时计划的重复。 Read more

Rollup calculations
The rollups are calculated by scheduled system jobs that run asynchronously in the background. You have to be an administrator to view and manage the rollup jobs. To view the rollup jobs go to Settings > System Jobs > View > Recurring System Jobs. To quickly find a relevant job, you can filter by the System Job type: Mass Calculate Rollup Field or Calculate Rollup Field.

Mass Calculate Rollup Field is a recurring job, created per a rollup field. It runs once, after you created or updated a rollup field. The job recalculates the specified rollup field value in all existing records that contain this field. By default, the job will run 12 hours after you created or updated a field. After the job completes, it is automatically scheduled to run in the distant future, approximately, in 10 years. If the field is modified, the job resets to run again in 12 hours after the update. The 12 hour delay is needed to assure that the Mass Calculate Rollup Field runs during the non-operational hours of the organization. It is recommended that an administrator adjusts the start time of a Mass Calculate Rollup Field job after the rollup field is created or modified, in such a way that it runs during non-operational hours. For example, midnight would be a good time to run the job to assure efficient processing of the rollup fields.

Calculate Rollup Field is a recurring job that does incremental calculations of all rollup fields in the existing records for a specified entity. There is only one Calculate Rollup Field job per entity. The incremental calculations mean that the Calculate Rollup Field job processes the records that were created, updated or deleted after the last Mass Calculate Rollup Field job finished execution. The default maximum recurrence setting is one hour. The job is automatically created when the first rollup field on an entity is created and deleted when the last rollup field is deleted.

Online recalculation option. If you hover over the rollup field on the form, you can see the time of the last rollup and you can refresh the rollup value by choosing the Refresh icon next to the field