使用 Terragrunt 从一个 Terraform 模块创建多个对象

Create multiple objects from one Terraform module using Terragrunt

我正在通过 terragrunt 使用 terraform。 我有一个文件夹,里面只有一个 terragrunt.hcl 文件。此文件的目的是在 GCP 中创建多个子网。


我希望能够在我的 terragrunt.hcl 文件中创建多个子网。

我认为最好的方法是创建一个包含字典(或 terraform 所称的地图)的列表,然后遍历它们。




include {
  path = find_in_parent_folders()

  inputs = {
    # Common tags to be assigned to all resources
    subnetworks = [
        "subnetName": "subnet1-euw"
        "subNetwork": ""
        "region": "europe-west1"
        "subnetName": "subnet1-usc1"
        "subNetwork": ""
        "region": "us-central1"

terraform {
  module "subnetworks" {
    source = "github.com/MyProject/infrastructure-modules.git//vpc/subnetwork"
    vpc_name = "MyVPC"
    vpc_subnetwork_name = [for network in subnetworks: network.subnetName]
    vpc_subnetwork_cidr = [for network in subnetworks: network.subNetwork]
    vpc_subnetwork_region = [for network in subnetworks: network.region]

似乎我不能在 "terraform" 块中使用 "module"。希望代码至少显示了我想要实现的目标。



terraform {
  # Intentionally empty. Will be filled by Terragrunt.
  backend "gcs" {}

resource "google_compute_subnetwork" "vpc_subnetwork" {
  name          = var.vpc_subnetwork_name
  ip_cidr_range = var.vpc_subnetwork_cidr
  region        = var.vpc_subnetwork_region
  network       = var.vpc_name
variable "vpc_name" {
  description = "Name of VPC"
  type        = string

variable "vpc_subnetwork_name" {
  description = "Name of subnetwork"
  type        = string

variable "vpc_subnetwork_cidr" {
  description = "Subnetwork CIDR"
  type        = string

variable "vpc_subnetwork_region" {
  description = "Subnetwork region"
  type        = string

Terragrunt 没有循环结构。在 Terragrunt 中,您可以使用目录层次结构来执行您在这里想要执行的操作。例如,要实现上述目标,可以这样:

└── live
    ├── empty.yaml
    ├── euw
    │   ├── region.yaml
    │   └── vpc
    │       └── terragrunt.hcl
    ├── terragrunt.hcl
    └── usc1
        ├── region.yaml
        └── vpc
            └── terragrunt.hcl

live/terragrunt.hcl 中,您使其他 yaml 文件在 terragrunt 配置中可用:

# live/terragrunt.hcl
inputs = merge(
  # Configure Terragrunt to use common vars encoded as yaml to help you keep often-repeated variables (e.g., account ID)
  # DRY. We use yamldecode to merge the maps into the inputs, as opposed to using varfiles due to a restriction in
  # Terraform >=0.12 that all vars must be defined as variable blocks in modules. Terragrunt inputs are not affected by
  # this restriction.
    file("${get_terragrunt_dir()}/${find_in_parent_folders("region.yaml", "${path_relative_from_include()}/empty.yaml")}"),

在每个地区的 region.yaml 中,您只需说明地区:

# live/euw/region.yaml
# These variables apply to this entire region. They are automatically pulled in using the extra_arguments
# setting in the root terraform.tfvars file's Terragrunt configuration.
region: "europe-west1"
# live/usc1/region.yaml
region: "us-central1"

现在您可以在每个区域 terragrunt.hcl 文件中将区域作为变量引用:

# live/euw/vpc/terragrunt.hcl
terraform {
  source = "github.com/MyProject/infrastructure-modules.git//vpc/subnetwork"

include {
  path = find_in_parent_folders()

inputs = {
  vpc_subnetwork_name = "subnet1-${region}"
  vpc_subnetwork_cidr = ""
  vpc_subnetwork_region = region
  vpc_name = "MyVPC"


# live/usc1/vpc/terragrunt.hcl
terraform {
  source = "github.com/MyProject/infrastructure-modules.git//vpc/subnetwork"

include {
  path = find_in_parent_folders()

inputs = {
  vpc_subnetwork_name = "subnet1-${region}"
  vpc_subnetwork_cidr = ""
  vpc_subnetwork_region = region
  vpc_name = "MyVPC"

您可能会发现来自 Gruntwork 的 example terragrunt repository 很有帮助。