Azure EventGrid 事件订阅:错误 400:指定的 XML 在语法上无效
Azure EventGrid event-subscription: error 400: XML specified is not syntactically valid
我需要侦听来自 Azure Blob 存储的事件。
我正在按照本教程中的步骤进行操作 Quickstart: Route storage events to web endpoint with Azure CLI。
我已经从 Microsoft 提供的预构建 Web 应用程序创建了消息端点。
storageid=$(az storage account show --name dealhubsftpintegrations --resource-group Dealhub --query id --output tsv)
az eventgrid event-subscription create \
--source-resource-id $storageid \
--name dealhubsftpintegrations \
--endpoint $endpoint
Argument 'resource_id' has been deprecated and will be removed in version '2.1.0'. Use '--source-resource-id' instead.
If the provided endpoint does not support subscription validation handshake, navigate to the validation URL that you receive in the subscriptionvalidation event, in order to complete the event subscription creation or update. For more details, please visit
Deployment failed. Correlation ID: 8bbe1a84-fe87-460b-b7fb-24fb8a78f952. The attempt to configure storage notifications for the provided storageaccount dealhubsftpintegrations failed. Please ensure that your storage account meets the requirements described at
The error is 400: XML specified is not syntactically valid.
发现这条(相当神秘的)消息意味着存储帐户属于 "general purpose v1" 类型,需要升级到 "general purpose v2"
我需要侦听来自 Azure Blob 存储的事件。
我正在按照本教程中的步骤进行操作 Quickstart: Route storage events to web endpoint with Azure CLI。
我已经从 Microsoft 提供的预构建 Web 应用程序创建了消息端点。
storageid=$(az storage account show --name dealhubsftpintegrations --resource-group Dealhub --query id --output tsv)
az eventgrid event-subscription create \
--source-resource-id $storageid \
--name dealhubsftpintegrations \
--endpoint $endpoint
Argument 'resource_id' has been deprecated and will be removed in version '2.1.0'. Use '--source-resource-id' instead.
If the provided endpoint does not support subscription validation handshake, navigate to the validation URL that you receive in the subscriptionvalidation event, in order to complete the event subscription creation or update. For more details, please visit
Deployment failed. Correlation ID: 8bbe1a84-fe87-460b-b7fb-24fb8a78f952. The attempt to configure storage notifications for the provided storageaccount dealhubsftpintegrations failed. Please ensure that your storage account meets the requirements described at
The error is 400: XML specified is not syntactically valid.
发现这条(相当神秘的)消息意味着存储帐户属于 "general purpose v1" 类型,需要升级到 "general purpose v2"