分发 Flutter 应用程序的最佳方式 Android & iOS。 Flutter Beta 分发的最佳实践

Best way to distribute Flutter application Android & iOS. Best Practices in Flutter Beta Distribution

如何分发我的 Flutter 应用程序(Android 和 iOS)测试版。我正在使用 Crashlytics Beta Distribution。但我认为分发具有相同名称或 ID 的 Android & iOS 应用程序存在一些问题。



Internal test: Quickly distribute your app for internal testing and quality assurance checks.

Closed: Create a closed release to test pre-release versions of your app with a larger set of testers. Once you've tested with a smaller group of employees or trusted users, you can expand your test to an open release. On your App releases page, an Alpha track will be available as your initial closed test. If needed, you can also create and name additional closed tracks.

If you're testing an existing app that you've published before, only users in your test group will receive an update for your closed version.

Open: Create an open release to run a test with a large group and surface your app's test version on Google Play. If you run an open test, anyone can join your testing program and submit private feedback to you. Before choosing this option, make sure your app and store listing is ready to be visible on Google Play.



Internal Testers

Add up to 25 members of your team who have been assigned the Admin, Technical, App Manager, Developer, or Marketer role to test your app. Each member can test on up to 30 devices. Internal testers can access all of your beta builds available for testing.

External Testers and Groups

Invite up to 10,000 external testers using their email address or by enabling and sharing a public link, which creates an open invitation for anyone to test your app. Simply create a group of testers and add the builds you’d like them to test. You can also create multiple groups and add different builds to each one, depending on which features you want them to focus on. When you add the first build of your app to a group, the build gets sent to beta app review to make sure it follows the App Store Review Guidelines. This is the only beta version of your app that requires a full review, and testing can begin once it’s approved.

有关 TestFlight Beta 分发的更多信息here and here

有关 Crashlytics 测试版分发版的更多信息,请访问 here我们可以上传具有相同应用程序 IDiOS 和 Android 的版本

我使用 Fastlane 以最好的方式实现了这一点。请检查下面。

对于 iOS 部署:Beta Distribution & AppStore Distribution

对于 Android 部署:Beta Distribution & PlayStore Distribution