GhostscriptRasterizer.PageCount 总是 returns 零
GhostscriptRasterizer.PageCount always returns zero
就我而言,从 kat 到旧版本的 Ghostscript 没有帮助。 26 和 25。我总是有 PageCount = 0,如果版本低于 27,我会得到一个错误 "Native Ghostscript library not found."
private static void PdfToPng(string inputFile, string outputFileName)
var xDpi = 100; //set the x DPI
var yDpi = 100; //set the y DPI
var pageNumber = 1; // the pages in a PDF document
using (var rasterizer = new GhostscriptRasterizer()) //create an instance for GhostscriptRasterizer
rasterizer.Open(inputFile); //opens the PDF file for rasterizing
//set the output image(png's) complete path
var outputPNGPath = Path.Combine(outputFolder, string.Format("{0}_Page{1}.png", outputFileName,pageNumber));
//converts the PDF pages to png's
var pdf2PNG = rasterizer.GetPage(xDpi, yDpi, pageNumber);
//save the png's
pdf2PNG.Save(outputPNGPath, ImageFormat.Png);
Console.WriteLine("Saved " + outputPNGPath);
我一直在努力解决同样的问题,最后使用 iTextSharp 只是为了获取页数。以下是生产代码的片段:
using (var reader = new PdfReader(pdfFile))
// as a matter of fact we need iTextSharp PdfReader (and all of iTextSharp) only to get the page count of PDF document;
// unfortunately GhostScript itself doesn't know how to do it
pageCount = reader.NumberOfPages;
class 在 iTextSharp.text.pdf
我使用 Ghostscript.NET.GhostscriptPngDevice
而不是 GhostscriptRasterizer
来栅格化 PDF 文档的特定页面。
这是我对页面进行光栅化并将其保存到 PNG 文件的方法
private static void PdfToPngWithGhostscriptPngDevice(string srcFile, int pageNo, int dpiX, int dpiY, string tgtFile)
GhostscriptPngDevice dev = new GhostscriptPngDevice(GhostscriptPngDeviceType.PngGray);
dev.GraphicsAlphaBits = GhostscriptImageDeviceAlphaBits.V_4;
dev.TextAlphaBits = GhostscriptImageDeviceAlphaBits.V_4;
dev.ResolutionXY = new GhostscriptImageDeviceResolution(dpiX, dpiY);
dev.Pdf.FirstPage = pageNo;
dev.Pdf.LastPage = pageNo;
dev.OutputPath = tgtFile;
就我而言,从 kat 到旧版本的 Ghostscript 没有帮助。 26 和 25。我总是有 PageCount = 0,如果版本低于 27,我会得到一个错误 "Native Ghostscript library not found."
private static void PdfToPng(string inputFile, string outputFileName)
var xDpi = 100; //set the x DPI
var yDpi = 100; //set the y DPI
var pageNumber = 1; // the pages in a PDF document
using (var rasterizer = new GhostscriptRasterizer()) //create an instance for GhostscriptRasterizer
rasterizer.Open(inputFile); //opens the PDF file for rasterizing
//set the output image(png's) complete path
var outputPNGPath = Path.Combine(outputFolder, string.Format("{0}_Page{1}.png", outputFileName,pageNumber));
//converts the PDF pages to png's
var pdf2PNG = rasterizer.GetPage(xDpi, yDpi, pageNumber);
//save the png's
pdf2PNG.Save(outputPNGPath, ImageFormat.Png);
Console.WriteLine("Saved " + outputPNGPath);
我一直在努力解决同样的问题,最后使用 iTextSharp 只是为了获取页数。以下是生产代码的片段:
using (var reader = new PdfReader(pdfFile))
// as a matter of fact we need iTextSharp PdfReader (and all of iTextSharp) only to get the page count of PDF document;
// unfortunately GhostScript itself doesn't know how to do it
pageCount = reader.NumberOfPages;
class 在 iTextSharp.text.pdf
我使用 Ghostscript.NET.GhostscriptPngDevice
而不是 GhostscriptRasterizer
来栅格化 PDF 文档的特定页面。
这是我对页面进行光栅化并将其保存到 PNG 文件的方法
private static void PdfToPngWithGhostscriptPngDevice(string srcFile, int pageNo, int dpiX, int dpiY, string tgtFile)
GhostscriptPngDevice dev = new GhostscriptPngDevice(GhostscriptPngDeviceType.PngGray);
dev.GraphicsAlphaBits = GhostscriptImageDeviceAlphaBits.V_4;
dev.TextAlphaBits = GhostscriptImageDeviceAlphaBits.V_4;
dev.ResolutionXY = new GhostscriptImageDeviceResolution(dpiX, dpiY);
dev.Pdf.FirstPage = pageNo;
dev.Pdf.LastPage = pageNo;
dev.OutputPath = tgtFile;