
Explicit broadcasting of variable batch-size tensor

我正在尝试在 Tensorflow 2.0RC 中实现自定义 Keras Layer,并且需要将 [None, Q] 形张量连接到 [None, H, W, D] 形张量以生成 [None, H, W, D + Q]形张量。假设两个输入张量具有相同的批量大小,即使事先不知道。此外,H、W、D 和 Q 的 none 在写入时已知,但在层首次调用时在层的 build 方法中进行评估。我遇到的问题是在将 [None, Q] 形张量广播到 [None, H, W, Q] 形张量以便连接时。

下面是一个尝试使用函数 API 创建 Keras Model 的示例,它执行从形状 [None, 3] 到形状 [None, 5, 5, 3] 的可变批次广播:

import tensorflow as tf
import tensorflow.keras.layers as kl
import numpy as np

x = tf.keras.Input([3])  # Shape [None, 3]
y = kl.Reshape([1, 1, 3])(x)  # Need to add empty dims before broadcasting
y = tf.broadcast_to(y, [-1, 5, 5, 3])  # Broadcast to shape [None, 5, 5, 3]

model = tf.keras.Model(inputs=x, outputs=y)

print(model(np.random.random(size=(8, 3))).shape)

Tensorflow 产生错误:

InvalidArgumentError:  Dimension -1 must be >= 0

然后当我将 -1 更改为 None 时,它会给我:

TypeError: Failed to convert object of type <class 'list'> to Tensor. Contents: [None, 5, 5, 3]. Consider casting elements to a supported type.


您需要使用y的动态形状来确定批量大小。张量 y 的动态形状由 tf.shape(y) 给出,它是一个表示 y 在运行时评估的形状的张量运算。修改后的示例通过在旧形状 [None, 1, 1, 3] 和使用 tf.where.

import tensorflow as tf
import tensorflow.keras.layers as kl
import numpy as np

x = tf.keras.Input([3])  # Shape [None, 3]
y = kl.Reshape([1, 1, 3])(x)  # Need to add empty dims before broadcasting
# Retain the batch and depth dimensions, but broadcast along H and W
broadcast_shape = tf.where([True, False, False, True],
                           tf.shape(y), [0, 5, 5, 0])
y = tf.broadcast_to(y, broadcast_shape)  # Broadcast to shape [None, 5, 5, 3]

model = tf.keras.Model(inputs=x, outputs=y)

print(model(np.random.random(size=(8, 3))).shape)
# prints: "(8, 5, 5, 3)"


"TensorFlow: Shapes and dynamic dimensions"