使用 if 条件比较日期值

comparing with date values with if condition


如果任何工人迟到 10 分钟,那么它应该像 "Below 10 mins"(我试图从我在 IN time & Report time 的帮助下完成的时间差异列中推导出它)

"IF('Attendance Info'[Time Diff] <= "00:30","Below 10 mins","others")"


DAX comparison operations do not support comparing values of type Date with values of type Text. Consider using the VALUE or FORMAT function to convert one of the values.

快速 google 搜索会得到以下结果:

在 DAX 中:

Column = IF('Table'[Column1] <= TIMEVALUE("00:30");"Below10";"Others")


= if [Column1] <= Time.FromText("00:30") then "Bleow10" else "Others"