零值时崩溃 - Love2D Lua

Crash on nil value - Love2D Lua

我正在实例化一个球并且它运行良好,当我尝试调用 centerCoordinatesOn 它崩溃了。

Ball = Class{}

function Ball:init(skin)
    -- simple positional and dimensional variables
    self.width = 8
    self.height = 8

    -- these variables are for keeping track of our velocity on both the
    -- X and Y axis, since the ball can move in two dimensions
    self.dy = 0
    self.dx = 0

    -- this will effectively be the color of our ball, and we will index
    -- our table of Quads relating to the global block texture using this
    self.skin = skin

    self.needsStartup = true

function Ball:centerCoordinatesOn(x, y, width)
    print(x.." "..y.." "..width)--attempt to concatenate local 'width' (a nil value)
    self.x = x + (width / 2) - 4
    self.y = y - 8

self.ball = Ball()
self.ball.skin = math.random(7)    


self.ball.x = 1 + (1 / 2) - 4
self.ball.y = 1 - 8

我也试过重命名变量,也许它们会与 class width -> self.width 的内部方法冲突,但即使我称它们为 a,也会发生同样的事情, b,c.

你忘记了 : 所以当你调用 self.ball.centerCoordinatesOn(1,1,1)

时你只有 3 个参数而不是 centerCoordinatesOn 期望的 4 个


Ball:centerCoordinatesOn(x, y, width)


Ball.centerCoordinatesOn(self, x, y, width)

无论哪种定义,width 都是第 4 个参数,它以您当前的调用结束 nil


self.ball:centerCoordinatesOn(1,1,1) --note the : after ball.
-- or --
self.ball.centerCoordinatesOn(self.ball, 1, 1, 1) --note first param is ball.