在 Castle Windsor 多次注册

Multiple registrations with Castle Windsor

我在 WPF 应用程序中遇到以下情况:

public class ExpenseView : UserControl, IAccountingView {}

// just a marker, the contract is in IViewWindow
public interface IAccountingView : IViewWindow {}

我需要能够注册 ExpenseView 以通过两种方式解析,作为具体类型,ExpenseView 和作为 IAccountingView(也可能作为另一个接口)。


// I need a collection of IViewWindow to be used
Container.Register( Classes.FromAssemblyInDirectory( myTypes )

// all other types don't have interfaces, are used as concrete types.
Container.Register( Classes.FromAssemblyInDirectory( myTypes )
    .Where( type => type.IsPublic )

现在,这有效,ExpenseView 和所有其他类型都已实例化,除了当我需要使用时

var newInstance = container.Resolve( iView.ViewType );

获取另一个实例,其中 iView.ViewType 是具体类型 ExpenseView(根据示例),我得到此异常:

No component for supporting the service ExpenseView was found.



要注册所有 IViewWindow 实现者以及它们的具体类型,您可以这样做:

Container.Register( Classes.FromAssemblyInDirectory( myTypes )