
How to iteratively populate values in a dataframe using conditional tests

我正在努力完成我最初认为是一项简单的任务,但我的 R 编码技能显然很生疏。简单地说,我在 R 中设置了一个数据框,"test"。 X1 是一个因子,X2 是一个具有空值的列:

我对这个程序的最终目标是创建一个函数或程序,它将迭代因子的每个级别,要求用户提供一个值来填充 X2 当前级别的 X1,然后继续到X1的下一级。


我的问题来自循环本身。要么循环没有重写 X2 的值(我假设它是作为局部变量进行的),要么我收到 "condition has length >1" 错误。以下是我尝试过的几个版本:

for (i in levels(test$X1)){
 if (identical(test$X1,i)) {
#This doesn't seem to overwrite X2

for (i in levels(test$X1)){
 if (test$X1==i) {
#This throws the 'condition has length >1' warning. I understand why this is happening. 
However, ifelse isn't an option because I want it to do nothing 
and iterate to the next level of i if false.

我不想为此过程使用查找 table 或连接,因为这会浪费我试图通过编写此代码节省的时间。但显然我没有足够的能力在 R 中进行循环!


fillfac <- function(vec){
    fill <- character(length(vec))

    # " iterate over each level of the factor"
    for(i in levels(vec)){ 
        #"ask the user for a value with which to fill X2"
        # "over the current level of X1"
        print(paste("What should be the fill for", i, "?"))
        value <- scan(what = "character", n=1)
        fill[labels(vec)[vec] == i] <- value



> X1 = factor(sample(1:5, size = 20, rep=T))
> X2 <- fillfac(X1)
[1] "What should be the fill for 1 ?"
1: "one"
Read 1 item
[1] "What should be the fill for 2 ?"
1: "two"
Read 1 item
[1] "What should be the fill for 3 ?"
1: "three"
Read 1 item
[1] "What should be the fill for 4 ?"
1: "four"
Read 1 item
[1] "What should be the fill for 5 ?"
1: "five"
Read 1 item
> (df <- as.data.frame(cbind(X1,X2)))
   X1    X2
1   1   one
2   3 three
3   1   one
4   2   two
5   5  five
6   3 three
7   3 three
8   4  four
9   2   two
10  3 three
11  2   two
12  3 three
13  4  four
14  5  five
15  2   two
16  1   one
17  2   two
18  2   two
19  5  five
20  4  four