Yii2 在 yii2-formwizard 的表格步骤中使用 Select2

Yii2 Using Select2 with tabular step of yii2-formwizard

我正在使用 yii2-formwizard,这是我使用 kartik\select2 的项目中的一个方便工具。一切正常,除非我按下添加以获取下一组 select2 上一组的下拉列表消失了。

当我修改我的控制器以从我的模型捕获数据时发生这种情况,如我之前 所述,我在脚本方面遗漏了一些东西我在 jquery/JS 等方面有点差,无论如何,除了正在保存数据并且小部件工作正常



public function actionCreatemulti()
    $this->layout = 'layout2';
    $model = [new Todelete()];
    $sex = [['id' => 1, 'name' => 'male'], ['id' => 2, 'name' => 'female']];

    if (Yii::$app->request->isPost) {

        $count = count(Yii::$app->request->post('Todelete', []));
        //start the loop from 1 rather than 0 and use the $count for limit
        for ($i = 1; $i < $count; $i++) {
            $model[] = new Todelete();

        if (Model::loadMultiple($model, Yii::$app->request->post()) && Model::validateMultiple($model)) {
            foreach ($model as $md) {
            return $this->render('index');

    return $this->render('create', [
        'model' => $model,
        'sex' => $sex


echo FormWizard::widget(
        'formOptions' => [
            'id' => 'my_form_tabular'
        'steps' => [
                //should be a single model or array of Activerecord model objects but for a single model only see wiki on github
                'model' => $model,

                //set step type to tabular
                'type' => FormWizard::STEP_TYPE_TABULAR,

                'fieldConfig' => [
                    'sex' => [
                        'widget' => Select2::class,
                        'containerOptions' => [
                            'class' => 'form-group'
                        'options' => [
                            'data' => $data,
                            'options' => [
                                'class' => 'form-control'
                            'theme' => Select2::THEME_BOOTSTRAP,
                            'pluginOptions' => [
                                'allowClear' => true,
                                'placeholder' => 'Select sex'

                        //set tabular events for select2 fix which doesnot work correctly after cloning

                        'tabularEvents' => [

                            'beforeClone' => "function(event, params){
                                //fix for select2 destroy the plugin

                                let element = $(this);
                            "afterClone" => "function(event, params){

                                //bind select2 again after clone

                                let element = $(this);
                                let elementId = $(this).attr('id');
                                let dataKrajee = eval(element.data('krajee-select2'));
                                let dataSelect2Options = element.data('s2-options');
                                $.when(element.select2(dataKrajee)).done(initS2Loading(elementId, dataSelect2Options));
                            "afterInsert" => "function(event,params){
                                //initialize the options for the select2 after initializing
//changed according to my environment

                                let selectElement = $(this).find('.field-todelete-'+params.rowIndex+'-sex > select');
                                let dataKrajee = eval(selectElement.data('krajee-select2'));


https://cdn1.imggmi.com/uploads/2019/8/31/158dc0f338e0d780747c5f72fa2ed6bb-full.png https://cdn1.imggmi.com/uploads/2019/8/31/4e394e87aa162d3f457c32af8d30373b-full.png


指出的问题确实存在,您是对的。但这个问题与最近对 kartik\select2 @V2.1.4 的更改有关。演示链接使用的是 select2 V2.1.3 的旧版本,其中没有定义此 dataset 属性,因此可以正常工作。


The reason is that it won't be possible to control it correctly inside the plugin as there could be any widget a user wants to use and going to keep adding the code for every other widget isn't what I would vote for. So a better approach would be to provide the event triggers for the specific actions which require a pre or post-processing of an element, where according to the needs the user can adjust his code


关于这个问题,有一个新的数据集属性 data-select2-id,它包含 select2 绑定到的输入的名称,并且克隆新元素后,该属性未更新为较新的元素 ID,这导致旧的 select 元素消失。

见下图,它来自我自己的代码,所以请忽略 address-0-city 字段名称,因为它与您的代码无关,仅供理解



let selectElement = $(this).find('.field-todelete-'+params.rowIndex+'-sex > select');
let dataKrajee = eval(selectElement.data('krajee-select2'));

//update the dataset attribute to the
if (typeof selectElement[0].dataset.select2Id !== 'undefined') {

    //get the old dataset which has the old id of the input the select2 is bind to 
    let oldDataSelect2Id = selectElement[0].dataset.select2Id;

    //delete the old dataset
    delete selectElement[0].dataset.select2Id;

    //add the new dataselect pointing to the new id of the cloned element
    let newDataSelect2Id = oldDataSelect2Id.replace(
    '-' + parseInt(params.rowIndex) + '-'

    //add the new dataset with the new cloned input id 
    selectElement[0].dataset.select2Id= newDataSelect2Id;

我会在接下来的几天更新 wiki 文档上的代码和代码示例以及演示。


这通常发生在使用小部件的 ID 发生冲突时。 通过检查 HTML 页面来确认这没有发生。 特别注意这些部分(此代码只是示例):

  <select id = "todelete-0-sex">
  <select id = "todelete-1-sex">

  // ...
  $("# Todelete-0-sex").select2({...});
  // ...
  // ...

我已经在全新安装的 Yii2 (2.0.25) 上复制了您的代码,使用以下两个组件:

  • buttflattery/yii2-formwizard (1.4.6)
  • kartik-v/yii2-widget-select2 (v2.1.3)




  1. 验证创建两者时没有冲突 小部件
  2. 检查 "yii2-formwizard" 和 "yii2-widget-select2" 组件的版本


    public function actionTest()
        //$this->layout = 'layout2';
        $model = [new Todelete(['id' => 1, 'name' => 'a', 'sex' => 'male']), new Todelete(['id' => 2, 'name' => 'b', 'sex' => 'male']), new Todelete(['id' => 3, 'name' => 'c', 'sex' => 'female'])];
        $sex = [['id' => 1, 'name' => 'male'], ['id' => 2, 'name' => 'female']];

        if (Yii::$app->request->isPost) {

            $count = count(Yii::$app->request->post('Todelete', []));
            //start the loop from 1 rather than 0 and use the $count for limit
            for ($i = 1; $i < $count; $i++) {
                $model[] = new Todelete();

            if (Model::loadMultiple($model, Yii::$app->request->post()) && Model::validateMultiple($model)) {
                foreach ($model as $md) {
                return $this->render('index');

        return $this->render('test', [
            'model' => $model,
            'sex' => $sex


use yii\base\Model; // NOTE: in your case your model will most likely extend ActiveRecord instead of Model class

class Todelete extends Model
    public $id;
    public $name;
    public $sex;

     * @inheritdoc
    public function rules()
        return [
            ['id', 'integer'],
            [['sex', 'name'], 'string'],


use kartik\select2\Select2;
use \buttflattery\formwizard\FormWizard;

echo FormWizard::widget(
        'formOptions' => [
            'id' => 'my_form_tabular'
        'steps' => [
                //should be a single model or array of Activerecord model objects but for a single model only see wiki on github
                'model' => $model,

                //set step type to tabular
                'type' => FormWizard::STEP_TYPE_TABULAR,

                'fieldConfig' => [
                    'sex' => [
                        'widget' => Select2::class,
                        'containerOptions' => [
                            'class' => 'form-group'
                        'options' => [
                            //'data' => $data,
                            'options' => [
                                'class' => 'form-control'
                            'theme' => Select2::THEME_BOOTSTRAP,
                            'pluginOptions' => [
                                'allowClear' => true,
                                'placeholder' => 'Select sex'

                        //set tabular events for select2 fix which doesnot work correctly after cloning

