如何在 JSON Encode/Decode in PHP 之后维护对象状态

How to maintain object state after JSON Encode/Decode in PHP



$data =  array('statusCode'=>200,
               'data'=> array('companyImage'=>new StdClass(),

echo "<br><br> Encoded data coming from API<br>";
echo $encodeData = json_encode($data,true);

//echo "<br><br> Decode data for Manipulation <br>";
$decodeData = json_decode($encodeData,true);
if($decodeData['statusCode'] == 200){
    $data_ = array('statusCode'=>$decodeData['statusCode'],

echo "<br><br> After Manipulation <br>";
echo json_encode($data_,true);

来自 json-decode 文档:

When TRUE, returned objects will be converted into associative arrays

您使用它以便将对象转换为数组 - 如果您希望它成为对象(又名 {}),只需从行中删除 true

$decodeData = json_decode($encodeData,true);


$decodeData = json_decode($encodeData);

顺便说一句,json-encode 没有得到 true 作为第二个参数,我想你想要 JSON_FORCE_OBJECT