Dash(Python) - 无法根据另一个 Slider 的输入更新 Slider 的值

Dash(Python) - can't update Slider's values based on input from another Slider

我已经开始学习 Dash(在使用 R-Shiny 约 3 个月后)。在此期间,我尝试制作一个应用程序,它将有两个 Sliders,其中一个值(minmaxstep)是固定的,并且值另一个 Slider 将根据第一个 Slider 的输入进行更新。而且我无法更新第二个 Slider.
的值 这是我做过和尝试过的:

from dash import Dash
import dash_html_components as dash_html
import dash_core_components as dash_core
from dash.dependencies import Input, Output
from flask import Flask

# initiate the dash app with Flask server
app = Dash(__name__, server=Flask(__name__))

# code the ui now
app.layout = dash_html.Div(children=[
                     min=10, max=110, value=10, step=10,
                     marks={i : '{}'.format(i) for i in range(10,110,10)},
                     # marks={i : 'Level {}'.format(i) for i in range(10,110,10)}
    dash_html.Hr(), dash_html.Hr(),

    # second slider
    # # dash_html.Hr(),

    # print values from both sliders

# take the input from first and update second slider
@app.callback(Output(component_id='second_slider', component_property=['min','max']),
                                           # component_property='children'),
                                           # component_property='value'),
              [Input(component_id='first_slider', component_property='value')])
def print_the_value_from_slider(value_from_slider):
    # update the values of second slider. ex: if input is 10, second slider will have 11 to 20
    # return value_from_slider
    return list((value_from_slider+1, value_from_slider+1+10))

# @app.callback(Output(component_id="second_slider", component_property='options'),
#               [Input(component_id='second_slider', component_property='value')])
# def fill_second_slider(value_from_first_slider):
#     return range(value_from_first_slider+1, value_from_first_slider+1+10, 1)

# @app.callback(Output('display_selected_values', 'children'),
#               [Input('first_slider', 'value'),
#                Input('second_slider', 'value')])
# def set_display_children(first_input, second_input):
#     return '{} from {}s range'.format(second_input, first_input)

if __name__ == '__main__':


Attempting to assign a callback with
the property "['min', 'max']" but the component
"second_slider" doesn't have "['min', 'max']" as a property.

Here are the available properties in "second_slider":
['id', 'marks', 'value', 'className', 'disabled', 'dots', 'included', 'min', 'max', 'tooltip', 'step', 'vertical', 'updatemode', 'loading_state']

但是,Slider 确实有 minmax 属性,它们也被错误地列出。我不知道我做错了什么。但是,第二个滑块没有得到更新。

滑块确实有 minmax 道具,但您试图设置一个不存在的道具 [min, max]。您的回调需要两个输出,每个 prop 一个。

@app.callback([Output(component_id='second_slider', component_property='min'),
               Output(component_id='second_slider', component_property='max')]
              [Input(component_id='first_slider', component_property='value')])
