使用 angular,如何在 ng-show 中调用自定义过滤器的结果?

With angular, how do i call the result of a custom filter in a ng-show?



我的问题是,如果过滤后的 ng-repeat 的结果为 0,我想显示文本 "is now"。但我有一个错误,因为过滤器在 ng-repeat 中有效,但在其他地方无效。我可以做什么来根据过滤器的结果显示文本?任何帮助或设备都可能很棒。谢谢!

var events = [
        id: 0,
        location: {
            location_lat: '45.769727',
            location_long: '4.8314972',
        schedules: [
                id: 1,
                start: '2015-05-28T14:00:00Z',
                end: '2015-05-28T19:00:00Z',
                id: 2,
                start: '2015-05-30T19:00:00Z',
                end: '2015-05-30T20:00:00Z',
                id: 3,
                start: '2015-05-30T20:00:00Z',
                end: '2015-05-30T21:00:00Z',

.filter('isNow', function (){
    return function (schedules) {
        var result = [];
        angular.forEach(schedules, function (schedule, key) {
            var currentDate = new Date();
            var scheduleStart = new Date(schedules[key].start);
            var scheduleEnd = new Date(schedules[key].end);
            if ( (currentDate >= scheduleStart) && (currentDate <= scheduleEnd) ) {
        }, result);
        return result;

<ion-item class="" ng-repeat="location in locations" type="item-text-wrap">
            <div class="now">
                <p ng-show="([schedules] | isNow).length" > 0"Is now</p>
                <div class="" ng-repeat="schedule in location.schedules | isNow">
                    <p>{{schedule.start | date:'H:mm'}}</p>
            <div class="next" >
                <p>À venir</p>
                <div class="" ng-repeat="schedule in location.schedules">
                    <p>{{schedule.start | date:'H:mm'}}</p>

您可以将 $filter 注入您的控制器,创建一个函数并将您的 ng-show 绑定到该函数:

How to use a filter in a controller?

$scope.checkIsNow = function(item){
    return true|false;
