wilcoxon 检验的两个 Stat 函数之间的区别

The difference between two Stat functions for wilcoxon test

我知道 stats::wilcox.test 和 stats::pairwise.wilcox.test 之间的主要区别在于计算 p.adjust 值。该值仅由 stats::pairwise.wilcox.test 一步计算得出。但是当我使用以下代码出错时,有一些连接。我希望得到相同的结果,但出现组大小错误?!

df <- dataframe(group = c(rep("before",5), rep("after",5)),
                a = runif(1:10),
                b = runif(1:10),
                c = runif(1:10))
#wilcox.test withour error
df %>%
   summarise_each(funs(wilcox.test(.[group == "before"], .[group == "after"], 
                                   paired = TRUE)$p.value), vars = a:c)

#pairwise.wilcox.test with error
df %>%
   summarise_each(funs(pairwise.wilcox.test(.[group == "before"], .[group == "after"])), 
                  vars = a:c)



wilcox.test(a ~ group, df)
pairwise.wilcox.test(df$a, df$group, p.adjust.method = "none") 

然后,尝试 tidyverse:

df %>% 
  gather(key, value, -group) %>% 
  group_by(key) %>% 
  summarise(pvalue = wilcox.test(value ~ group)$p.value)
# A tibble: 3 x 2
  key   pvalue
  <chr>  <dbl>
1 a     0.0916
2 b     0.386 
3 c     0.969

绝对不需要使用成对版本,因为您的数据中只有两个组值。 如果你坚持总结,试试

df %>% 
  summarise_at(vars(-1), list(~wilcox.test(. ~ group)$p.value))
           a         b         c
1 0.09155406 0.3858534 0.9693262


df <- data.frame(group = c(rep("before",5), rep("after",5)),
                a = runif(50),
                b = runif(50),
                c = runif(50))