
I have trouble with taking away the weekend in my code


  1. 天开始为公司工作
  2. 天停止为公司工作(合同结束时)


当一个人填写开始日期时,它将计算以下公式: "days worked = todays date - the date that the person has started working" 之后它将计算为天而不是毫秒(天 worked/1000/60/60/24)。

现在我必须摆脱一个人每周工作的 SaturdaySunday



    function days_of_a_year(year) { return isLeapYear(year) ? 366 : 365; }
    function isLeapYear(year) { return year % 400 === 0 || (year % 100 !== 0 && year % 4 === 0); }
    var year    = moment().year();
    var days_year = days_of_a_year(moment().year());

        var leave_days = $('#leave_days').val(),
         leave_hours = $('#leave_hours').val(),
         hours_employee_week = $('#hours_employee_week').val(),
         hours_week = $('#hours_week').val(),
         date_employed = $('#date_employed').val(),
         date_unemployed = $('#date_unemployed').val(),

         start = new Date(date_employed),
         end   = new Date(date_unemployed),
         diff  = new Date(end - start),
         days  = Math.round(diff/1000/60/60/24),
            now = new Date(),
            days_worked = new Date(now - start),
         year = moment().year();

        var leave_hours_full = leave_days * leave_hours;
        var perc_employment =  hours_employee_week / hours_week * 100;
        var leave_hours_year = leave_hours_full * (hours_employee_week / hours_week);

        var days_worked_year = Math.round(days_worked/1000/60/60/24);



我相信 与您的相似。 该问题中接受的答案提供了这个功能:

// Expects start date to be before end date
// start and end are Date objects
function dateDifference(start, end) {

  // Copy date objects so don't modify originals
  var s = new Date(+start);
  var e = new Date(+end);

  // Set time to midday to avoid dalight saving and browser quirks

  // Get the difference in whole days
  var totalDays = Math.round((e - s) / 8.64e7);

  // Get the difference in whole weeks
  var wholeWeeks = totalDays / 7 | 0;

  // Estimate business days as number of whole weeks * 5
  var days = wholeWeeks * 5;

  // If not even number of weeks, calc remaining weekend days
  if (totalDays % 7) {
    s.setDate(s.getDate() + wholeWeeks * 7);

    while (s < e) {
      s.setDate(s.getDate() + 1);

      // If day isn't a Sunday or Saturday, add to business days
      if (s.getDay() != 0 && s.getDay() != 6) {
  return days;


function daysWorked(firstDay, lastDay) {
  let daysWorked = 0;

  for (
    let cursor = new Date(+firstDay);
    cursor.getTime() <= lastDay.getTime();
    cursor.setDate(cursor.getDate() + 1)
  ) {
    let day = cursor.getDay();
    // skip Saturdays and Sundays
    if (day === 0 || day === 6) {
  return daysWorked;

我觉得这可能比以前的答案效率低一些,具体取决于 JavaScript 处理日期的效果。


从 2019-06-16 到 2019-09-02

  • 100 万次 dateDifference() 来自上一个答案:3698 毫秒
  • 100 万次 daysWorked() 来自我的回答:47979 毫秒

慢 12 倍...

从 2015-06-16 到 2019-09-02

  • 10k 次 dateDifference() 来自上一个答案:95 毫秒
  • 10k 次 daysWorked() 我的回答:9054 毫秒


好吧忘记我的回答 xD