覆盖 Rust 安装默认路径 `$HOME/.cargo` 和 `$HOME/.rustup`

Overriding Rust installation default paths `$HOME/.cargo` and `$HOME/.rustup`

在 Rust 中,默认情况下,文件放在 $HOME/.cargo$HOME/.rustup 中。有什么方法可以覆盖这些默认值吗?


这个解释in the documentation:

rustup allows you to customise your installation by setting the environment variables CARGO_HOME and RUSTUP_HOME before running the rustup-init executable. As mentioned in the Environment Variables section, RUSTUP_HOME sets the root rustup folder, which is used for storing installed toolchains and configuration options. CARGO_HOME contains cache files used by cargo.

不要忘记更新 $PATH 否则您将无法使用二进制文件。此外,如果您希望该设置是永久性的,请从您的 shell 配置中导出这些变量(例如 .bashrc.zshrc):

Note that you will need to ensure these environment variables are always set and that CARGO_HOME/bin is in the $PATH environment variable when using the toolchain.

在安装 Rust 之前,设置环境变量 CARGO_HOMERUSTUP_HOME,并确保在使用工具链时设置它们。

如果您使用 Bash,那么一种方法是:

  1. 将这两行添加到~/.bashrc:

    export CARGO_HOME=/path/to/your/custom/location
    export RUSTUP_HOME=/path/to/your/custom/location
  2. 通过 运行:

    重新启动您的 shell 或来源 ~/.bashrc
    . ~/.bashrc