有没有办法将一个旋转的 PDF 文档覆盖在另一个文档上?

Is there is a way to overlay one rotated PDF document over another one?

我有 SVG 文档,我在工作流程的最后通过 ghostscript 将其转换为 PDF。现在我必须添加一个新功能。 我需要用 PDF 内容替换 SVG 中的某些元素。不是 只是覆盖,它可以按比例旋转和缩放,这里是一个例子:


我的问题是有什么方法可以用 ghostscript 实现吗?

目前我只是将它作为 SVG 图像元素的光栅化图像插入,但我需要它是矢量才能打印。

注意:我只需要从插入的 PDF 中取出第一页。

我知道有一个 pdftk 可以将一个 PDF 文件覆盖在另一个 PDF 文件上,但我无法用它缩放和旋转覆盖的 PDF 文档。

好的,我担心,由于最近为解决安全漏洞对 Ghostscript PDF 解释器进行了更改,此代码仅适用于 9.26 以下的版本。将来 PDF itnerpreter 将被更改,并且会有更好的方法来实现这一点,但恐怕这是一个长期目标。现在,要使用此代码,您需要坚持使用旧版本。

执行此操作的 PostScript 程序如下:


%% This code is copied from pdf_main.ps, pdfshowpage_finish
%% sadly that routine always calls showpage, and we want that
%% to be under our control, so we have to duplicate the code
%% here. Not only that but it uses GS extensions which aren't
%% available outside of startup, so some things it simply can't
%% replicate. As a result some of the error handling is less
%% good.
%% I plan to extend the PDF interpreter with two new
%% routines, pdfnoshowpage_finish and then have both
%% that and pdfshowpage_finish call pdfoptionalshowpage_finish
%% which will take a boolean determining whether to actually
%% call the showpage. At that time we'll alter this code.
/draw_page_content {    % <pagedict> pdfshowpage_finish -
   save /PDFSave exch store
   /PDFdictstackcount countdictstack store
   /PDFexecstackcount count 2 sub store
   (before exec) VMDEBUG

   % set up color space substitution (this must be inside the page save)

        % Display the actual page contents.
   8 dict begin
   /BXlevel 0 def
   /BMClevel 0 def
   /OFFlevels 0 dict def
   /BGDefault currentblackgeneration def
   /UCRDefault currentundercolorremoval def
        %****** DOESN'T HANDLE COLOR TRANSFER YET ******
   /TRDefault currenttransfer def
  matrix currentmatrix 
  2 dict
  dictbeginpage setmatrix
  /DefaultQstate qstate store

  count 1 sub /pdfemptycount exch store
        % If the page uses any transparency features, show it within
        % a transparency group.
  dup pageusestransparency dup /PDFusingtransparency exch def {
    % Show the page within a PDF 1.4 device filter.
    0 .pushpdf14devicefilter {
      /DefaultQstate qstate store       % device has changed -- reset DefaultQstate
      % If the page has a Group, enclose contents in transparency group.
      % (Adobe Tech Note 5407, sec 9.2)
      dup /Group knownoget {
        1 index /CropBox pget {
          /CropBox exch
        } {
          1 index get_media_box pop /MediaBox exch
        } ifelse
        oforce_elems normrect_elems fix_empty_rect_elems 4 array astore .beginformgroup 
      } {
      } ifelse
    } stopped {
      % abort the transparency device 
      /DefaultQstate qstate store   % device has changed -- reset DefaultQstate
    } if .poppdf14devicefilter
    /DefaultQstate qstate store % device has changed -- reset DefaultQstate
  } {
  } ifelse
  % todo: mixing drawing ops outside the device filter could cause
  % problems, for example with the pnga device.

  end           % scratch dict
  % Some PDF files don't have matching q/Q (gsave/grestore) so we need
  % to clean up any left over dicts from the dictstack

  PDFdictstackcount //false
  { countdictstack 2 index le { exit } if
    currentdict /n known not or
  } loop 

  count PDFexecstackcount sub { pop } repeat
  Repaired      % pass Repaired state around the restore
  PDFSave restore
  currentglobal pdfdict gcheck .setglobal
  /Repaired exch def
} def

% And now, draw the page from teh first PDF file
(d:/temp/SO/target.pdf) (r) file runpdfbegin
1 pdfgetpage
dup /Page exch store                                         draw_page_content

% and then the page from the secodn PDF file
(d:/temp/SO/source.pdf) (r) file runpdfbegin
1 pdfgetpage
dup /Page exch store                                        

% Before drawing the second page, adjust the CTM so
% that the bottom left corner of the page is co-incident
% with the bottom left of the area we want to draw the
% page in
75 575 translate

% adjust the size of the output
0.11 0.11 scale

% and rotate it
-46 rotate



将其保存在一个文件中,我们称之为 test.ps,并适当调整 PostScript 程序中的路径。然后 运行 Ghostscript with: gs -sDEVICE=pdfwrite -sOutputFile=out.pdf test.ps 你会得到一个 PDF 文件,就像我认为你想要的一样。显然,您还需要更改 translate/scale/rotate.


我在这里发布了一个支持剪切粘贴的 PDF 文件的解决方案,以防将来有人需要它。我已经向 draw_page_content 添加了额外的参数来支持它。我发现 "dict beginpage setmatrix" 命令以某种方式覆盖了剪切路径,它应该只在该命令之后设置。我不是 PostScript 方面的专家,但至少这个解决方案是有效的。再次感谢 KenS 的帮助。


%% This code is copied from pdf_main.ps, pdfshowpage_finish
%% sadly that routine always calls showpage, and we want that
%% to be under our control, so we have to duplicate the code
%% here. Not only that but it uses GS extensions which aren't
%% available outside of startup, so some things it simply can't
%% replicate. As a result some of the error handling is less
%% good.
%% I plan to extend the PDF interpreter with two new
%% routines, pdfnoshowpage_finish and then have both
%% that and pdfshowpage_finish call pdfoptionalshowpage_finish
%% which will take a boolean determining whether to actually
%% call the showpage. At that time we'll alter this code.
/draw_page_content {    % <pagedict> pdfshowpage_finish -
   /clipx exch def /clipy exch def /clip_width exch def /clip_height exch def /should_clip exch def
   save /PDFSave exch store
   /PDFdictstackcount countdictstack store
   /PDFexecstackcount count 2 sub store
   (before exec) VMDEBUG

   % set up color space substitution (this must be inside the page save)

        % Display the actual page contents.
   8 dict begin
   /BXlevel 0 def
   /BMClevel 0 def
   /OFFlevels 0 dict def
   /BGDefault currentblackgeneration def
   /UCRDefault currentundercolorremoval def
        %****** DOESN'T HANDLE COLOR TRANSFER YET ******
   /TRDefault currenttransfer def
  matrix currentmatrix 
  2 dict
  dictbeginpage setmatrix

  % set clipping here
  should_clip 0 gt
    newpath clipx clipy moveto clipx clipy clip_height add lineto clipx clip_width add clipy clip_height add lineto clipx clip_width add clipy lineto closepath clip

  /DefaultQstate qstate store

  count 1 sub /pdfemptycount exch store
        % If the page uses any transparency features, show it within
        % a transparency group.
  dup pageusestransparency dup /PDFusingtransparency exch def {
    % Show the page within a PDF 1.4 device filter.
    0 .pushpdf14devicefilter {
      /DefaultQstate qstate store       % device has changed -- reset DefaultQstate
      % If the page has a Group, enclose contents in transparency group.
      % (Adobe Tech Note 5407, sec 9.2)
      dup /Group knownoget {
        1 index /CropBox pget {
          /CropBox exch
        } {
          1 index get_media_box pop /MediaBox exch
        } ifelse
        oforce_elems normrect_elems fix_empty_rect_elems 4 array astore .beginformgroup 
      } {
      } ifelse
    } stopped {
      % abort the transparency device 
      /DefaultQstate qstate store   % device has changed -- reset DefaultQstate
    } if .poppdf14devicefilter
    /DefaultQstate qstate store % device has changed -- reset DefaultQstate
  } {
  } ifelse
  % todo: mixing drawing ops outside the device filter could cause
  % problems, for example with the pnga device.

  end           % scratch dict
  % Some PDF files don't have matching q/Q (gsave/grestore) so we need
  % to clean up any left over dicts from the dictstack

  PDFdictstackcount //false
  { countdictstack 2 index le { exit } if
    currentdict /n known not or
  } loop 

  count PDFexecstackcount sub { pop } repeat
  Repaired      % pass Repaired state around the restore
  PDFSave restore
  currentglobal pdfdict gcheck .setglobal
  /Repaired exch def
} bind def

% And now, draw the page from teh first PDF file
(/opt/files/main.pdf) (r) file runpdfbegin
1 pdfgetpage
dup /Page exch store 0 1125 1125 0 0 draw_page_content


% and then the page from the next PDF file
(/opt/files/placement1.pdf) (r) file runpdfbegin
1 pdfgetpage
dup /Page exch store                                        

% Before drawing the second page, adjust the CTM so
% that the bottom left corner of the page is co-incident
% with the bottom left of the area we want to draw the
% page in
120 120 translate

% and rotate it
25 rotate

% adjust the size of the output
0.7 0.7 scale

%let's skew file
[1 0 1.3 1 0 0] concat

% draw file and clip it
1 100 100 0 0 draw_page_content

