Remove-WebBindings 从所有 IIS 站点中删除绑定

Remove-WebBindings removing binding from all IIS sites

我正在使用 WebAdministration 模块创建一个 Powershell 脚本来创建几个站点并自动添加绑定

Import-Module WebAdministration

$config = @{
    Sites = @( 
            Name = "Site1";
            Path = "Path1";
            Bindings = @(
                @{ Protocol = "http"; Port = 80;},
                @{ Protocol = "https"; Port = 443;}
            Name = "Site2";
            Path = "Path2";
            Bindings = @(
                @{ Protocol = "http"; Port = 3009;}

foreach($site in $config.Sites){
    $physicalPath = Get-Item "$($site.Path)"
    # Create the current site
    New-WebSite -Name "$($site.Name)" -PhysicalPath $physicalPath.FullName

    ## Trying to remove default port 80 binding for the current site
    Remove-WebBinding -Name $site.Name -Port 80 -Protocol "http"

    ## Add the desired bindings
    foreach ($binding in $site.Bindings){
        New-WebBinding -Name "$($site.Name)" -Protocol $binding.Protocol -Port $binding.Port

不过,当我这样做时,我没有绑定 Site1 端口 80。 Remove-WebBinding -Name $site.Name -Port 80 -Protocol "http" 似乎正在删除两个站点的绑定。

PS > Get-ChildItem IIS:\Sites

Name             ID   State      Physical Path                  Bindings
----             --   -----      -------------                  --------
Site1            1    Started    Path1                          https *:443: sslFlags=0
Site2            2    Stopped    Path2                          http *:3009:


foreach($site in $config.Sites){
    $physicalPath = Get-Item "$($site.Path)"
    # Create the current site
    New-WebSite -Name "$($site.Name)" -PhysicalPath $physicalPath.FullName

我最终将两个站点都绑定到端口 80

PS > Get-ChildItem IIS:\Sites

Name             ID   State      Physical Path                  Bindings
----             --   -----      -------------                  --------
Site1            1    Started    Path1                          http *:80:
Site2            2    Stopped    Path2                          http *:80:


通过在创建站点时使用第一个绑定然后遍历所有剩余的绑定设法绕过了 Remove-WebBinding

foreach($site in $config.Sites){
    $physicalPath = Get-Item "$($site.Path)"

    $defaultBinding = ($site.Bindings | Select-Object -First 1)

    # Use Splatting
    $newWebSiteParams = @{
        Name = $site.Name;
        PhysicalPath = $physicalPath.FullName;
        ApplicationPool = $site.ApplicationPool
        Port = $defaultBinding.Port
        SSL = $defaultBinding.Protocol -eq 'https'

    # Create the current site with command splatting
    New-WebSite @newWebSiteParams

    ## Add the remaining bindings
    foreach ($binding in ($site.Bindings | Select-Object -Skip 1)){
        New-WebBinding -Name "$($site.Name)" -Protocol $binding.Protocol -Port $binding.Port

仍然不确定为什么 Remove-WebBinding 似乎要从两个站点中删除绑定。



Get-Website -Name "$($site.Name)" | Get-WebBinding -Protocol "http" -Port 80 | Remove-WebBinding