AngularJS: ng-repeat with ng-include on a multidimensional array

AngularJS: ng-repeat with ng-include on a multidimensional array

我昨天开始 AngularJS,我需要大抽象方面的帮助。

所以,我的 Controller.js:


var appname = angular.module('appname');

appname.controller('articleCollectionController', ['$scope', '$sce', function ($scope, $sce) {
     $ = [{
         title: 'foobar breakthrough',
         text: 'foobar foobar',
         image: '<img class="img-responsive img-hover" src="images/foo.jpg">',
         date: 'June 17, 2014',
         author: 'John Smith',
         articleType: 'link',
         neverSettle: 'engaging',
         category: 'news'
         title: 'foobars available',
         text: 'foobee foobar',
         image: '<img class="img-responsive img-hover" src="images/bar.jpg">',
         date: 'June 17, 2014',
         author: 'John Smith',
         articleType: 'link',
         neverSettle: 'innovating',
         category: 'news'
         title: 'foo foo foo',
         text: 'foobar foobar! foobar',
         image: '<img class="img-responsive img-hover" src="images/foobar.jpg">',
         date: 'June 17, 2014',
         author: 'Alice Roberts',
         articleType: 'pdf',
         neverSettle: 'partnering',
         category: 'news'

我在所有项目上 运行 $sce.trustAsHtml 并且它们呈现 html 完美。

所以, 我想做的是在我的页面 news.html 上使用 ng-repeat,使用由 [=17] 调用的模板 articleCollection.htm =].


<div ng-repeat="x in news">
    <div ng-include src="js/views/articleCollection.htm"></div>


<!-- Blog Preview Row -->
<div class="row">
    <div class="col-md-1 text-center">
            <span ng-bind-html="x.articleType"></span>
            <span ng-bind-html="x.neverSettle"></span>
        <p><span ng-bind-html=""></span></p>
    <div class="col-md-5">
        <a href="news-article.html">
            <span ng-bind-html="x.image"></span>
    <div class="col-md-6">
            <a href="news-article.html"><span ng-bind-html="x.title"></span></a>
            by <span ng-bind-html=""></span>
        <p><span ng-bind-html="x.text"></span></p>
        <a class="btn btn-default" href="news-article.html">Read More <i class="fa fa-angle-right"></i></a>
<!-- /.row -->


<!-- ngRepeat: x in news -->
<div ng-repeat="x in news" class="ng-scope">
    <!-- ngInclude:  -->
<!-- end ngRepeat: x in news -->
<div ng-repeat="x in news" class="ng-scope">
    <!-- ngInclude:  -->
<!-- end ngRepeat: x in news -->
<div ng-repeat="x in news" class="ng-scope">
    <!-- ngInclude:  -->
<!-- end ngRepeat: x in news -->

由于我刚刚开始 AngularJS,我的代码中可能存在很多问题;我不知道从哪里开始调试。

为什么我在我的页面上呈现注释掉的内容,而不是 ng-repeated articleCollection.htm?


ngInclude 指令采用 src 属性中的表达式。这意味着如果只是 static 字符串路径,则需要在引号中提供字符串路径:

<div ng-repeat="x in news">
    <div ng-include src="'js/views/articleCollection.htm'"></div>

首先,在 AngularJS 中使用 ng Repeat 和 ng Include 会损害性能:



<div ng-repeat="item in items">


angular.module("app").directive("includeDirective", function() {
 return {
    restrict: "E",
    templateUrl: "js/views/articleCollection.htm"