Swipe between screens isn't working in react-native, react navigation
我正在尝试让我的应用使用 React 导航在屏幕之间滑动。我尝试将 swipeEnabled、animationEnabled 和 gesturesEnabled 设置为 true,但到目前为止没有任何效果。
我是 React 导航的新手,我想我会试一试。
我正在使用 createStackNavigator,所以我不知道是否需要更改它。
import React, { Component } from 'react';
import { createBottomTabNavigator,
createStackNavigator, createAppContainer } from 'react-navigation';
const Worcester = createStackNavigator(
initalRouteName: Wrh,
defaultNavigationOptions: {
title: 'Worcester',
headerLeft: <ActionBarImage />,
headerTintColor: '#333333',
headerTitleStyle: {
fontWeight: 'bold',
color: '#000000'
tabBarOptions: {
labelStyle: {
fontSize: 40
headerStyle: {
backgroundColor: '#FFFAFA',
borderBottomColor: '#ffffff',
borderBottomWidth: 3,
HeaderTitle: 'Test',
backgroundColor: '#FFDEAD',
swipeEnabled: true,
animationEnabled: true,
gesturesEnabled: true
const Alex = createStackNavigator(
initalRouteName: Alx,
defaultNavigationOptions: {
title: 'Redditch',
headerLeft: <ActionBarImage />,
headerTintColor: '#333333',
headerTitleStyle: {
fontWeight: 'bold',
color: '#000000'
tabBarOptions: {
labelStyle: {
fontSize: 20
headerStyle: {
backgroundColor: '#FFFAFA',
borderBottomColor: '#ffffff',
borderBottomWidth: 3,
swipeEnabled: true,
animationEnabled: true,
gesturesEnabled: true
const TabNavigator = createBottomTabNavigator(
Worcester: { screen: Worcester },
Redditch: { screen: Alex },
tabBarOptions: {
activeTintColor: 'blue',
inactiveTintColor: '#605F60',
inactiveBackgroundColor: 'grey',
activeBackgroundColor: '#FFFAFA',
labelStyle: {
fontSize: 20,
marginTop: 0,
paddingTop: 0
style: {
paddingTop: 10
swipeEnabled: true,
animationEnabled: true,
gesturesEnabled: true
export default createAppContainer(TabNavigator);
您应该使用 topTabNavigator/bottomTabNavigator 在同一堆栈上的屏幕之间滑动。
然后你使用你的 stacknavigators,这样的屏幕 :
import { createMaterialTopTabNavigator, createStackNavigator } from 'react-navigation';
const someTabNavigator= createMaterialTopTabNavigator(
SomeScreen: {
navigationOptions: {
tabBarAccessibilityLabel: 'The Screen',
tabBarLabel: ({ tintColor }) => <LabelTitle tintColor={tintColor} label="The Screen" />,
SomeOtherScreen: {
screen: TheOtherScreen,
navigationOptions: {
tabBarAccessibilityLabel: 'The Other Screen',
tabBarLabel: ({ tintColor }) => <LabelTitle tintColor={tintColor} label="The Other Screen" />,
// Configs and etc.
swipeEnabled: true,
lazy: true,
optimizationsEnabled: true,
animationEnabled: true,
tabBarPosition: 'top',
tabBarOptions: {
scrollEnabled: true,
style: {
backgroundColor: colors.white,
inactiveTintColor: inactiveTintLabelColor,
activeTintColor: activeTintLabelColor,
indicatorStyle: {
backgroundColor: colors.primaryColor,
tabStyle: {
width: screen.screenWidth >= 600 ? 210 : 120,
我正在尝试让我的应用使用 React 导航在屏幕之间滑动。我尝试将 swipeEnabled、animationEnabled 和 gesturesEnabled 设置为 true,但到目前为止没有任何效果。
我是 React 导航的新手,我想我会试一试。
我正在使用 createStackNavigator,所以我不知道是否需要更改它。
import React, { Component } from 'react';
import { createBottomTabNavigator,
createStackNavigator, createAppContainer } from 'react-navigation';
const Worcester = createStackNavigator(
initalRouteName: Wrh,
defaultNavigationOptions: {
title: 'Worcester',
headerLeft: <ActionBarImage />,
headerTintColor: '#333333',
headerTitleStyle: {
fontWeight: 'bold',
color: '#000000'
tabBarOptions: {
labelStyle: {
fontSize: 40
headerStyle: {
backgroundColor: '#FFFAFA',
borderBottomColor: '#ffffff',
borderBottomWidth: 3,
HeaderTitle: 'Test',
backgroundColor: '#FFDEAD',
swipeEnabled: true,
animationEnabled: true,
gesturesEnabled: true
const Alex = createStackNavigator(
initalRouteName: Alx,
defaultNavigationOptions: {
title: 'Redditch',
headerLeft: <ActionBarImage />,
headerTintColor: '#333333',
headerTitleStyle: {
fontWeight: 'bold',
color: '#000000'
tabBarOptions: {
labelStyle: {
fontSize: 20
headerStyle: {
backgroundColor: '#FFFAFA',
borderBottomColor: '#ffffff',
borderBottomWidth: 3,
swipeEnabled: true,
animationEnabled: true,
gesturesEnabled: true
const TabNavigator = createBottomTabNavigator(
Worcester: { screen: Worcester },
Redditch: { screen: Alex },
tabBarOptions: {
activeTintColor: 'blue',
inactiveTintColor: '#605F60',
inactiveBackgroundColor: 'grey',
activeBackgroundColor: '#FFFAFA',
labelStyle: {
fontSize: 20,
marginTop: 0,
paddingTop: 0
style: {
paddingTop: 10
swipeEnabled: true,
animationEnabled: true,
gesturesEnabled: true
export default createAppContainer(TabNavigator);
您应该使用 topTabNavigator/bottomTabNavigator 在同一堆栈上的屏幕之间滑动。
然后你使用你的 stacknavigators,这样的屏幕 :
import { createMaterialTopTabNavigator, createStackNavigator } from 'react-navigation';
const someTabNavigator= createMaterialTopTabNavigator(
SomeScreen: {
navigationOptions: {
tabBarAccessibilityLabel: 'The Screen',
tabBarLabel: ({ tintColor }) => <LabelTitle tintColor={tintColor} label="The Screen" />,
SomeOtherScreen: {
screen: TheOtherScreen,
navigationOptions: {
tabBarAccessibilityLabel: 'The Other Screen',
tabBarLabel: ({ tintColor }) => <LabelTitle tintColor={tintColor} label="The Other Screen" />,
// Configs and etc.
swipeEnabled: true,
lazy: true,
optimizationsEnabled: true,
animationEnabled: true,
tabBarPosition: 'top',
tabBarOptions: {
scrollEnabled: true,
style: {
backgroundColor: colors.white,
inactiveTintColor: inactiveTintLabelColor,
activeTintColor: activeTintLabelColor,
indicatorStyle: {
backgroundColor: colors.primaryColor,
tabStyle: {
width: screen.screenWidth >= 600 ? 210 : 120,